King David approached God and pleaded with Him in prayer after, having committed adultery and murder – sin had crawled deep into his life. He was scared God would cut him off from the relationship he had had with Him for most of his life. He was scared he would be cut off and land up in that “pit of hell” because of his sinful actions. King David knew God very well since He had done so much for him throughout his life, from the days he was a shepherd until he was appointed king. David knew God too well! He had experienced everything from God in his life first-hand; all the blessings and anointing which God had bestowed upon him.
Because of this relationship with God that he had enjoyed
all his life, he felt great remorse for his sinful actions; having pushed God
aside for worldly pleasures and power, just for a time though. It was still
enough to make him realise what he had done, what God thought about it all.
What did he do? He ran back to God praying and pleading for forgiveness, for
new restoration of that wonderful relationship he had had with God. He gave his
life fully back to God no matter the circumstances and the outcome. What about
you my brother? Why don’t you do that as well? Recommit your life once again.
Allow God to do His work in you, even if it’s painful at times. Let Him who
loves us restore us and make us new once again. We are all sinners! Life drags
us down at times; the devil is always seeking that weak “spot” in our lives,
that soft link that he can break. You may not have committed what David
committed, but sin is still sin.
Take full responsibility for your actions starting right
now, starting today. Read 1 John 1:8 … If we say we don’t have any sin in us,
we are liars. God knows each one of us better that we know ourselves. Why not
turn to Him who loves you deeply and ask Him to restore you back to that place
where He wants you to be, that loving and binding relationship with Him. Let’s
do it together, in prayer and spirit. Be the man! Be bold and pray this prayer
in Psalm 51 as I have written above. Enjoy…