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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Be Courageous - Be Brave!

I dare you to pray this prayer as found in Psalm 51:10-12 … “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Ouch! This truly is a daring prayer. Giving God permission to “remake” you and to reshape your life once again. That’s bold and courageous. It will not be an easy ride ahead for you. When God starts His work in us it hurts at times; something we do not usually want. But be courageous, be brave and, pray this prayer.
King David approached God and pleaded with Him in prayer after, having committed adultery and murder – sin had crawled deep into his life. He was scared God would cut him off from the relationship he had had with Him for most of his life. He was scared he would be cut off and land up in that “pit of hell” because of his sinful actions. King David knew God very well since He had done so much for him throughout his life, from the days he was a shepherd until he was appointed king. David knew God too well! He had experienced everything from God in his life first-hand; all the blessings and anointing which God had bestowed upon him.

Because of this relationship with God that he had enjoyed all his life, he felt great remorse for his sinful actions; having pushed God aside for worldly pleasures and power, just for a time though. It was still enough to make him realise what he had done, what God thought about it all. What did he do? He ran back to God praying and pleading for forgiveness, for new restoration of that wonderful relationship he had had with God. He gave his life fully back to God no matter the circumstances and the outcome. What about you my brother? Why don’t you do that as well? Recommit your life once again. Allow God to do His work in you, even if it’s painful at times. Let Him who loves us restore us and make us new once again. We are all sinners! Life drags us down at times; the devil is always seeking that weak “spot” in our lives, that soft link that he can break. You may not have committed what David committed, but sin is still sin.

Take full responsibility for your actions starting right now, starting today. Read 1 John 1:8 … If we say we don’t have any sin in us, we are liars. God knows each one of us better that we know ourselves. Why not turn to Him who loves you deeply and ask Him to restore you back to that place where He wants you to be, that loving and binding relationship with Him. Let’s do it together, in prayer and spirit. Be the man! Be bold and pray this prayer in Psalm 51 as I have written above. Enjoy…

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Pull Yourself Together

Let’s read Luke 11:9… “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” What a promise from our mighty God. Here He is offering us a solution to our chaotic and messed up lives. He doesn’t want to see us crumble because we just move ahead in our daily lives without direction or purpose. You can change all that today. You can direct your life into a God pleasing one. A life renewed from the inside to start with, moving in a direction that will allow God to reshape our characters. We can all be “revamped” and we can “look” fresh and new once again. How?

Only if we allow God the space to do it for us. If we allow Him the opportunity to work in our lives, starting with the inner man, He can pull us together. He needs our permission to achieve this, but if we “lock” Him out of our daily activities He can’t do the inner restoration we need. Open up yourself to Him today. Allow Him to start that good and perfect work He wants to do in us. Reading 2 Corinthians 5:17, we see that we become new creations [some translations, we are new “creatures”] in Him. Why? Because He knows how to work within us, how to get our lives in order; how to pull us together.

If God offers us something for our lives, about ourselves for us, something we may be needing right now in our lives, treat this with great care. Look after this which God is offering you. Don’t let it vanish again from your life. Take it in and keep it stored in your heart, soul and mind. Why don’t you purchase a notebook and record everything God is offering you each day. Keep this notebook close by and revisit it often, and let it be a reminder of what God has given you so often. Read and remember everything God has revealed to you. Give Him all the glory each day for what He has offered you. Let’s chat…

Friday, 22 April 2016

My Testimony - Nelson Canha [MOP Ministry]

Here's a quick testimony of my walk with God and my life in past 19 years...

I was living in the world, filled with fun, booze and anything else that went with the life of "living vida loca." Then in 1994 I moved from the Free State province to Gauteng, to Krugersdorp, west of Johannesburg. In 1997 I found the Lord and opened up my heart and life to Him at the Assembly of God church, then the Lighthouse [now Real Life Church - AOG], where I'm still a member. Life was great, enjoying Jesus Christ as my Saviour God and loving Lord. Then came 8th February 2001, early 7h45am.

On my way to the office I was a victim of a serious head-on collision. The wrong place at the wrong time. I had been hurt seriously and a Netcare 911 helicopter was flown out with a doctor to the accident scene. I landed up in ICU in Sunninghill Hospital and in a sedated coma for 9 days. My injuries were serious and my wife, family and relatives were traumatised when they received the news and paid me a visit in ICU. I lost 10 days of my life [not knowing what was happening...

In the two weeks after the accident I had four operations by three different surgeons, each specialising in various areas according to my injuries. Two hours after the accident, having been trapped for more thasn an hour in the wreck [the time they took to free me], friends, family, brothers/sisters in Christ started praying for me. My wife was told that my chances were 50/50 after helicopter had landed at hospital with me. It was in Johannesburg, off Rivonia street.

Fifteen days after the accident I walked out with crutches, a miracle and alive. Out of the coma and into Trauma ward for 4 days and, in this time period, 13 hours of operations as well. It took me three months to walk again and start my road to full recovery. In the next few years my marriage nearly hit the rocks, scraping just through. God had other plans... we are now married for twenty nine years and still on "honeymoon" as they say.

In 2010, November, my business collapsed due to a fraudulent partner who was arrested and I lost just about everything. Although still tough at times, my new business kicked off, Ezekiel Industries [visit Facebook page] and I have lived a good life since the beginning of this new adventure. My faith still remains in God and I will not depart from Him, but seek Him in every part of my life, the strong areas and weaknesses. He is and will always be my loving and living God. My family are all saved today. My son, daughter-inlaw and their son Dominick [two months old] are in full time ministry at our church. My daughter and grandson Declan [four years old] are in our church as well. Amen...

That's it... Below, a few pics of my wreck...  Some outside damage, plus damage where I was seated behind steering wheel, driver's door remains, etc...

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Where Is Your Home?

Let’s look at what Matthew 11:28 states… “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Do you need restoration? How does God restore you, mainly your soul and spirit? How can you, as a busy working man, find rest? We work hard and play hard, at times, and we get tired, physically, emotionally and, spiritually. Where do we go to recharge ourselves? So many similar questions are asked daily by men worldwide. They feel their “life batteries” running on reserve, close to flat and maybe shutting down in the near future. Where does one find such rest that restores and rejuvenates us totally?

Maybe prayer each morning or in the late evening after we get home. Maybe in that quiet time we should be having before God, if we have time between our busyness. Maybe when you read the bible. Psalm 23 offers us something to meditate upon. It says that God gives us rest. Do we allow Him to give us rest, to restore us and recharge us? Is our rushed lives blocking our times of restoration we need daily? God designed us, remember that every day. He designed us to need rest, to seek Him in our busy lives, to find rest and restoration through Him.

Ask yourself this. “Do I seek enough time for rest in my life, between all my schedules and work, between my times with my family and friends, or in my other after-hour activities, maybe sport?” Ask yourself this and think about it well. Are you seeking the rest God wants you to have? Are you feeling recharged every day, ready to take it head-on. If not, why not? Let’s take the time to rest before God and allow Him to touch us once again, in spirit and soul. Enjoy and be blessed…

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

For All South African Men

Hi Gents!

Please remember that if you're interested in any of my eBooks, Salvation Is The Life, Living In Victory - praying your way into heaven, or my first novel, The Hunter, please email me at nelson.canha@gmail.com and I can email them to you at a small fee/offering.

Why do I ask for a fee? They have been published and carry ISBN numbers and are official books. The first two are 10 chapters each and teachings, while The Hunter is 42 chapters and a fictional Christian based story.

Enjoy! Until the next post/article...

Does The Truth Hurt?

Ecclesiastes 4:10 says the following, “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.” Ouch! This is a tough verse to swallow. What is God trying to teach us here? One answer is very clear! We need a friend or friends where we can be accountable to when we fail along our lives. We need someone who will pick us up when we “fall”. That friend or friends , also need someone to whom they are accountable to. Support and encouragement, even a rapping over the fingers, is necessary every now and then. These are important in a true friendship.

On their own, these have no meaning or power. They become useless. Even God has called us to fellowship with other believers. This means that you as men need other men to fellowship with. Someone who can help you on your journey, and they may need you as well. In Galatians 6:1-2, it tells us that we need other brothers who help us when we land up in a problem, maybe sin that has raised its head again. But it says further that we should “restore him gently.” Yes, we may need to use tough measures but we still need to show him our heavenly love as God loves us. Be aware that you do not be pulled into his predicament and start falling with him – this spells disaster for both now.

We must “carry each other’s burdens.” That is what God expects from each of us at all times. Help one another if any of you fall, but do it in a God given love as He loves you. Are you in fellowship with another brother, or brothers? Do you know everything about each other, given each other your life stories. Then it’s time to be brave and seek out someone with who you can kindle a great relationship and grow each other in prayer and support. Many men don’t do this. They just don’t see the necessity for having such a friendship. I tell you today, it’s crucial, even one of the most important parts of our lives, being sons of the loving and living God. We need to challenge each other, maybe rescue each other in a time of need, especially after failing with something in your life, something which is not pleasing to God.

At times it may hurt! But it is necessary. True friendship may require that we dive into the problem … even if it may embarrass your friend, or yourself for that matter. Tough measures may be needed in certain situations which need serious attention. Be that friend today. These measures could save him from destruction, spiritual destruction which could lead him away from God’s presence. Tough conversations could take place, still doing it in a love as a true brother loves another. God is true love as well, nothing else but true love. Are you in such a relationship with another brother right now? Are you being accountable for your life’s actions before another? Many men refuse to have such a friendship. They don’t see the necessity for such a friendship, but it is crucial to have one … it may lead to new saving grace that is bestowed by God upon those who take responsibility for their actions. Then maybe it’s time to find someone where such a friendship can grow and mature, where you are ready to become accountable and also be ready to help each other. Are you ready? The truth may hurt…

Monday, 18 April 2016

Ebooks Available

To all my fellow brothers...

I have three [3] eBooks that I published some time back, all available online at http://www.smashwords.com ... Two are teachings, 10 chapters each and the third my first novel/story, a fictional Christian-based book.

Search for eBooks authored by Nelson Canha and enjoy the read...

They are::  Salvation Is The Life, Living In Victory - praying your way into heaven, and The Hunter.
May these books offer you new light into God's presence, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen...

God Expects Obedience

What does God’s Spirit offer us men in the daily walk of our lives? Wisdom. How does one obey what God calls us to do, in our daily lives, at the office, while at clients, or with friends and family? To do His will. But you may be asking yourself how do you do this? Firstly, by obeying God we enjoy a new life He has promised all those who are called His sons [and daughters]. By receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour you have taken the first step of obedience, to receive the free gift of salvation He offers us all on earth. Then you start the new journey which leads to allowing His Spirit to lead you in your daily walk.

Now God’s Spirit is filled with great wisdom, God’s holy wisdom. Something we do not obtain in our worldly life. In 1 Corinthians 2:6 we read how we “speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers this age…” It is the wisdom as given to us by God’s Spirit who is with us and resides in us. The wisdom of this age is “coming to nothing.” So what do we do now? Men! Hear God’s calling for your life. He seeks obedience and a man that will live a life that pleases God. Let’s do what Jesus taught us to do: to pray, fast, serve, repent and worship Him in everything we do and are; He seeks us for Himself.
Allow God to fill you with His power and Spirit today. Let Him add some excitement into your life starting now. Allow God to reveal everything to us through His Spirit, who “searches all things, even the deep things of God.” [1 Corinthians 2:10] Just start by doing something small which is within what God expects from you, obedience in what you do, but also glorifies Him and is a form of worship to Him. Those who are disobedient toward God’s calling land up as being foolish; for they don’t understand what needs to be done. Without the Spirit of God in you, or without Jesus Christ in your life for that matter, you will not understand the things God’s Spirit wants to lead you to. Allow God’s Spirit to lead you starting today. Read 1 Corinthians 14 – 16 which relates to this foolishness. God expects obedience… start obeying His calling today. Start small, in small things and see what happens ahead in your daily walk. Enjoy!

Friday, 15 April 2016

Start A Business

Yes, in today’s life salaries don’t always allow us to make ends meet. Starting a business is not easy either. I don’t mean that you have to resign right away and go for it. Not at all! Start it part time, working on it in your free hours where possible. It has been surveyed that 90% of new startups fail within the first 5 years. True. But take it one step at a time and grow it part time. In today’s economical struggles around the globe one may think twice in trying it out.

I failed once already since resigning and going it alone. Unfortunately there was a partner involved and all went wrong within two years. What did I do? I started over again, but placed God totally at the reigns of this new ship. I haven’t looked back yet. It isn’t plain sailing though, but with Jesus Christ on my side it is going ahead and I know it’s blessed as well. That’s why I obeyed God and started this ministry called Men Of Power. We who are called God’s sons are blessed because we are co-heirs with Christ our Lord God.

Pray for God’s blessings and growth in the new venture and ask for His wisdom and guidance. He is always able and all things are possible for those who believe. My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ made it possible for me to move forward because my faith is in Him and not in the things of this world. The world is failing. God is not! Enjoy the coming days ahead. Let’s talk…

Until the next time…

The Beginning

After the 21 day of fasting and prayer, God instilled in my heart to start a men's international ministry. That's what I have decided to do now... so here goes...

The Beginning

Reading John 3:16 we get to realise how much God loves us. For He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to die for us, so that he who believes can be saved and receive eternal life. Isn’t this wonderful? God wants us to be saved. He wants us to be with Him in heaven one day. But what must we do? Men! It is time to seek Him who died on the cross for us so that we too can be called children of God. It is time to turn our lives over to Jesus Christ our Lord God and Saviour.
That’s what this new ministry is all about. I have named it Men Of Power Ministry [MOP], and it is aimed at the men of this world. It is time to turn to the only living God that exists, that saved us through His Son. Are you a Christian man? Are you a saved Christian man? Are you a true follower of Jesus Christ as a living Christian man? There is a difference of being Christian and being saved. Only through Jesus Christ will you come to the Father God. Isn’t it time you made that wonderful decision today? Let’s chat…

Until the next post...