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Thursday, 22 March 2018

Prayer For Cape Town And Regions Around It

Hi Brothers,

I am asking for us all to stand in together for prayer for Cape Town city and surrounding regions. They are in the middle of a major water crisis and we need prayers that the rains will overflow the rivers and fill the dams that are close to empty. D-day for final and total dryness of dams is around June/July.

Please pray for this city and the regions around it as we know God can provide whatever is needed and beyond. I'll be posting more articles shortly as it has been a tough month with my business and personal side as well, and not much time to post anything in this blog for March. Praise God for His miracles never cease. Amen...


Saturday, 3 March 2018

eBooks On Promotion

Hi everyone,

My eBooks are discounted until the 10th March, The Good News and The Hunter. Visit these links and purchase using discount coupon codes on advert page for each book in Smashwords. PS - the covers of these books redesigned in the past weeks. Enjoy!

The Hunter - $1.00 and The Good News - $0.99 for 7 days only. Men, you will enjoy The Hunter as it is about bikers, men with wild lives and much more... then God comes into the picture.

The Hunter...


Thursday, 1 March 2018

Make Early Mornings Count

Men are a kind on their own. Now you're thinking, "What's coming next?" I was like that as well, but not as much any more as time constraints don't allow me to do such things in the morning; only some mornings are possible. What am I talking about? Men love to sit having their breakfast with a spoon in one hand and the morning newspaper/local daily newspaper in the other hand.

We consume our mind with news, reviews, happenings and such, by reading the early newspaper before the day begins. many still do this. But what about your time with God? What counts for you as a Christian believer, a man of God? Is time with Him not more precious than the newspaper or article you read? Mark 1:35 says the following, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Wow! Now that's what counts in the morning.

Now that is very true. Why doesn't God be the first One you spend time with, reading the Bible, praying, and taking in what He wants to say for your day? Make early mornings count by placing Him first before everything else, even your breakfast and newspaper, etc. Your day may just be more alive and filled with great things since His blessing is upon it. Try it and start tomorrow morning with Jesus. Make it count! Amen...