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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Be Adventurous

Men are adventurous. We love excitement and going on new adventures; most men do. Imagine the following. Your dad wakes you up one morning [your childhood years] and says the following, “Get up buddy. Feel like an adventure today?” Dad invites you to go with him on an adventure, maybe a fishing trip, maybe some mountain hiking, maybe some plain backpacking trip. And how will you answer him? Like this usually, “Yip dad! Totally up to it today.” You trust your dad, believe in him and are willing to go on this trip with him. You are all game for it. You don’t fear for danger or anything out there as long as your dad is by your side. He will protect you always. What if your answer was this; “No thanks dad. I’m not up to this today.” or “I don’t think so dad. Too dangerous and too risky.” Why would you say this instead of loving it because dad will be with you?

God designed us men for adventures ... His adventures. Listen to His calling. Read Numbers 14:11. It goes like this – “The Lord said to Moses, ‘How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them?’ ” God wants to know how strong your faith is. He wants to know if you believe in Him. If you trusted and believed in your dad, what’s different in trusting and believing in God? God, through Moses, “spoke” to twelve men, telling them to go and scout out the land He had promised them. After they had returned, ten did not want to accept the new adventure God was inviting them to. They too, as is in most cases today, had other plans, or found it too risky, or just didn’t feel like it right then. They didn’t want to go with God on this new adventure He had invited them too.

When these men, send out to scout the land promised by God, saw the giants in that place, they didn’t see themselves gaining the upper hand and receiving that land as God had promised to them. Only two accepted God’s invitation to go with Him on this new adventure. They were Joshua and Caleb. They accepted because they trusted and believed in the God they followed and worshipped. Read Numbers chapter 13 to get the whole picture, then continue with chapter 14 too. Why don’t you muster up some courage and go where God is inviting you to go? Why not start by believing in Him and trusting Him? He is our Father in heaven, our Abba Father. He is greater than our earthly father, then why not accept His invitation? When God invites us on an adventure, it becomes a special moment. It becomes an eternal moment, and will be good for us in the long run, the eternal life hereafter. Why don’t you accept God as He wants to lead us on a new adventure? There are not many such invitations awaiting you. Go with Him today. Amen.

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