Jesus, after the Sermon on the Mount, decided to leave the
people who were there to hear the sermon, with some advice. It was to obey His
commands and to live according to His teachings. Matthew 7:24 is where it all
begins, His advice to the followers present, including His disciples. Let’s see
what it says – “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them
into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” What does
this mean to us today, and from that time onwards? This is the story about two
different people, both calling themselves followers of the Lord. Both heard the
gospel. They now understand and know the gospel. They both know what Jesus
expects from them, what He wants from them. He offered them, and us as
Christians today, with an option. Are we wise builders or not?
Or are you the foolish builder? We today are in that same
boat. Which one are you? Both received the word and what they do with it will
determine the outcome of their lives. We too have received this word, but what
are we going to do about it. We are all going to be tested with storms of
adversity, with trials that will test our decisions in the “building” of our
lives. The one who builds his life upon the ‘sand’ heard the Word of God but
did nothing about it; he actually disobeyed it. The one who heard the Word and
put it into practice in his life, he is the wise one and his life “building” is
planted solid and will not collapse due to trials and tests. He built his life
upon the Rock called Jesus.
Everyone will face times where the “storms of life” will
descend upon us. But those who have heard His Word and have put it into
practice will remain standing, because their faith is solid and steadfast. They
have built their faith foundation upon Jesus Christ. Those whose faith is weak
and are not living out their lives upon the foundation of the Rock called Jesus
Christ, they are going to fall hard. Pain and hardships will destroy them
because their faith was never solid. Now, I ask you. Which one are you? I’m definitely the builder who has his life
planted upon the Rock. I’m the one who has built his life on a solid foundation
of strong faith. Don’t you want to do the same? Amen.
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