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Monday, 31 October 2016

All Alone?

Men are great at the workplace, where we are apt to live. We don’t live as our true selves. No, we live as crafted and false versions of our true selves. Work is just one area where we try to be better than others, and not what God intended us to be. We create our own images. What makes work so different to the other areas of our lives? At work the prevailing culture is all about self: to outperform, to get that promotion, to achieve, and to get ahead of others. We become someone else we create on our own, self-focused. We become different to what God wanted us to be originally.

This is so often permeated by greed, pride and much more. Let’s read Proverbs 18:1; “Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.” Do you get it? A men who seeks desire for himself, being self-focused and, ignoring what God desires from him, can be destructive. He goes and seeks worldly wisdom and lives by it – God’s wisdom and His plans disappear out the back door. In the end he works ‘alone’ and all because it becomes about self.

You and I can change all this. Our workplaces can become desolate and lonely places. No real relationships grow in the office and everything is superficial and materialistic. Is that who you really want to be? The man who only ‘acts’ out his life without any foundation or truth to it? Betray that kind of prevailing culture my friend. But don’t do it alone. It’s a great burden to try and go it alone and to make changes to your life, to rid yourself of that ‘alone and lonely’ false office type of person. Be a man and own up to that problem. Be the man God planned from the beginning. Find someone close to you and fight for each other. Be accountable to each other. Then seek God in prayer and ask for His guidance and help. Don’t be that man that lives with a false and lonely identity. Become a God-fearing man who is seen for who he truly is. If you need help, please feel free to contact me at nelson.canha@gmail.com and I’ll pray for you and mentor you on this journey. Amen!

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Which Type Of Man Are You?

You must now be pondering this question. Which type of man are you? Are you the real deal or the one hiding behind a mask? Are you the person whom the people can trust and identify with or just the one who always speaks words that are louder and come to nothing? Is your bark bigger than your bite? People may look up at you and put their lives on the line because you do what you say. As men we trust what Jesus teaches as true; but this is only on an intellectual level. Let me say more. He appreciates a good sermon but goes away and lives out his life that does not allow anyone to distinguish between him and those who do not trust Jesus. In other words, he could be a fake. Not always though. Maybe his faith is not solid enough.

This man doesn’t trust Jesus with his life! There is another man, though, that really trusts Jesus, authentically, and practically. This is the man you should be. Because of his trust he lives a life that is seen as real in every dimension. In Jeremiah 17 we see the man who is blessed. Here are verses 7 and 8; “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, …” The man who truly trusts the Lord Jesus in every way will be blessed, and he will planted in a place where he will never wither away. He is the man you and I should be! Now I ask you again, which type of man are you?

When we trust our Lord Jesus; when we live like we really trust Him, we come to life. In this way we become spiritually strong and healthy and fruitful. How are you then distinguishing yourself from other men, like one who lives a life that trusts Jesus? Why not be blessed and “planted by the waters” starting today. Become the man has called you to be and become His warrior on earth. Enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

The Perfect Genius

We get many geniuses throughout our ages, even in today’s times. Think of William Bell who invented the first telephone. Think of Albert Einstein who brought science into the known from the unknown. Think of Bill Gates who discovered a new pc language known as Microsoft. Look at our own South African, Elon Musk, the man who founded Tesla and Space-X. What about Mark Shuttleworth, a creator of open source. This is just to name a few. Geniuses have been around on earth from days and years gone by; even centuries. What about the rest of us normal men, the big group that are not geniuses? Where do we fit in this world?

Let’s look at the Holy Spirit. He is the most perfect genius, an unmitigated genius. His wisdom is beyond this world. Reading 1 Corinthians 2:6 we get the following – “Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought.” The Holy Spirit’s genius is “not the wisdom of this world” because it will not falter or come to nothing like the human race. His genius is so perfect that we cannot understand it. We also know, He’s here for us. He was sent by our Father at the request of King Jesus. As Christian men we should allow Him to birth that genius within us.

He helps to bring truth out into the open, to bring out His best in us. He was sent to take you and me by the hand to guide us and lead us on our journey on earth. So what do we do to allow His genius to work in us? Let’s just give Him the chance to do just that; nothing more, nothing less. How do we do this? By living our lives as taught by our Lord Jesus in the bible – to meditate, pray, fast, study the Word, serve, worship and all the other great characteristics He wants us to have within. It’s better that we do more of course. The better we do the more we open ourselves to the Spirit’s genius to start working within us. What a great future that will be. Why don’t you start by doing something today? It can be small, for example, by just praying and meditating on what we read in the bible. I did!

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

The Making Of A Christian

A Christian is an individual who has been twice born. Everyone is born in the flesh, from our mothers’ wombs – the natural birth when we become humans. Then comes the second birth. It is when we are “born again” and is told in the bible. We speak about the making of a movie, or the making of a piece of machinery, but this does not make you. The word Christian means “little Christ” and stands for something far more than being just born in the flesh; as we know it, new-born babies. Then how do we become true Christians? Let’s find out.

Nicodemus knew about the fleshly birth, but was not understanding the spiritual birth. John 3:3 says this – “In reply Jesus declared, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.’ ” What a powerful teaching. Then Jesus followed up once again in verse 5, which goes like this; “Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.’ ” Jesus answered Nicodemus’ question after he asked how one could enter into his mother’s womb a second time. Nicodemus did not grasp what Jesus was saying. He did not grasp what it was for the making of a Christian, a true one.

We all understand the natural birth process. But do we all understand the spiritual birth process and what it means to be born again? Let’s discover more on this. When Jesus says we cannot do something, that’s just the way it is. Unless He said it and it can be done, only then are we on the right path of life on this earth today. If He didn’t say it, then don’t do it or believe it. We are birthed in the spirit through the Holy Spirit. And how does this happen? When we do three things. We confess our sins, then repent from them, and finally, we believe and accept our Lord Jesus Christ into our lives. God’s Spirit starts to live in us from this moment forward and He becomes our Guide and Teacher, leading us on the journey of being the real Christian in whom God is pleased.

Acts 4:12 speaks about it, and I quote it here; “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Here was when Peter spoke out when he and John came before the Sanhedrin. The Holy Spirit filled him and he was courageous and filled with God’s power. That’s right! The making of a true Christian comes only through the name of Jesus Christ and by no one else. We cannot be saved in no other way or means. Now I ask you today. Are you a true Christian or just another “make believe” one? Do you believe in Jesus Christ, and you are born again, by water and the Holy Spirit? The making of a true Christian starts as I have stated above. Are you ready? Take those bold steps and let’s begin that new life that awaits you. If you need some help in understanding all this, please feel free to email me at nelson.canha@gmail.com and I’ll start the new walk with you. Amen!

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Is Life Uncertain?

Many are very certain about their lives, or are they really? You could be certain about that future promotion, maybe certain about that house you purchased, or certain about your qualifications, but where does it lead you to? Others again, are uncertain about their lives. Our lives here are uncertain. That’s a fact. We are here today, but we do not know if we’ll be here tomorrow. That’s a very true fact. What can we be certain about you may be asking? I can answer that for you right here and now. We can be certain about where we will end up on the day we die physically.

Luke 12:16-21 speaks of a parable Jesus told to His disciples and His followers. It is about a rich man who was consumed with his own affairs and being wealthy. The affairs of this life was his prime concern. He was a farmer and his lands brought forth plenty of good harvest. His barns were filled to capacity. This was not enough so he broke these barns down and build bigger ones. When these filled up he was happy and overjoyed. He boasted about his wealth. He was certain of what he had. But what happened to Him? Let’s read the following, found in verse 20; “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ ”

Now here is the certainty! The day you die physically will determine the resting place of your soul. You will either be certain of being with God in heaven or joining the devil in hell, and that’s for certain. Be certain about how you are living your life today because tomorrow will be determined accordingly. Are you certain or uncertain about your life right now? Are you saved and following Jesus Christ our saving God? If not, why don’t you make today the beginning of a life that you will be certain of? Give your life over to Jesus Christ, allowing Him to become your Saviour and Lord. Today I’m a true born-again Christian and follower of Jesus Christ. I’m definitely certain of my life right now and of my life hereafter. Are you? You decide. Be blessed!

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Are You Fit To Meet God?

Today we must fit into every aspect of life. We must fit into our working environments, fit to become leaders, fit to fly planes, and so it goes on. I’m not speaking here about the fitness part, which is whether we are strong enough or can handle much toughness. No, I’m speaking about whether we “qualify” for that which we should be doing or going to do. Maybe I’m unfit to be a lecturer or a mountaineer, but I’m fit to run my own business; which I do. Being fit or unfit determines your course in life. What about the following qualification…

Are you fit or unfit to meet God? All responsible beings who are not Christians are sinners. This means you are unfit to meet God or enter His kingdom, now on earth where we live or after you have departed from this world. As Christians, especially us men, we are going to meet Him one day, but are we fit to meet Him? Are we ready for that day when we meet face to face? Many call themselves Christians but live the ways of the world – therefore they are sinners and unfit to meet God or enter His kingdom. Hebrews 10:31 reminds us what to expect one day, and it says the following; “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” What does this actual tell us. This verse is powerful!

It is warning us that we should dread the day we depart from this earth. Even today while we are alive, we should dread God and what He has in store for those who do not live according to His ways. We are either fit to meet Him or suffer the consequences awaiting those who are unfit; hell is no “pleasure ride” nor a place to land up in. Yes, only when we are living out our lives as true followers and Christians in the manner that pleases God, then we will not need to dread the day we “fall into His hands” or meet Him face to face.

Don’t call yourself a Christian and not live it out. Don’t call yourself a Christian just because you are not a follower of Allah or Buddha, or any other gods, but were “born” into a Christian home with Christian parents. You will remain a sinner or you will be a true Christian. Now I ask you, are you truly fit to meet God? I believe I am fit to meet God and I strive to live a life that pleases Him only. If you need help in this matter and need counselling, email me at nelson.canha@gmail.com and I’ll help you and pray for you. Let’s begin that new journey today. Amen!