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Saturday, 8 October 2016

Is Life Uncertain?

Many are very certain about their lives, or are they really? You could be certain about that future promotion, maybe certain about that house you purchased, or certain about your qualifications, but where does it lead you to? Others again, are uncertain about their lives. Our lives here are uncertain. That’s a fact. We are here today, but we do not know if we’ll be here tomorrow. That’s a very true fact. What can we be certain about you may be asking? I can answer that for you right here and now. We can be certain about where we will end up on the day we die physically.

Luke 12:16-21 speaks of a parable Jesus told to His disciples and His followers. It is about a rich man who was consumed with his own affairs and being wealthy. The affairs of this life was his prime concern. He was a farmer and his lands brought forth plenty of good harvest. His barns were filled to capacity. This was not enough so he broke these barns down and build bigger ones. When these filled up he was happy and overjoyed. He boasted about his wealth. He was certain of what he had. But what happened to Him? Let’s read the following, found in verse 20; “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ ”

Now here is the certainty! The day you die physically will determine the resting place of your soul. You will either be certain of being with God in heaven or joining the devil in hell, and that’s for certain. Be certain about how you are living your life today because tomorrow will be determined accordingly. Are you certain or uncertain about your life right now? Are you saved and following Jesus Christ our saving God? If not, why don’t you make today the beginning of a life that you will be certain of? Give your life over to Jesus Christ, allowing Him to become your Saviour and Lord. Today I’m a true born-again Christian and follower of Jesus Christ. I’m definitely certain of my life right now and of my life hereafter. Are you? You decide. Be blessed!

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