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Tuesday, 27 December 2016


Being prepared for anything is better than being caught out by surprise. Men are types of folks who do not always prepare themselves for each day. They just go with the flow. Being prepared, to my knowledge, is a much more mature way of approaching life each day. Being unprepared can cause havoc, can cause disaster to strike, can be very detrimental to our lives, even our health. Business owners get to the office and prepare their day. Employees arrive at the office, and after discussing the day’s plans with them, they prepare themselves. Children prepare themselves for tasks that need planning and completion. They plan for tests and exams. Parents plan and prepare for their day and chores ahead; making breakfast, making lunch for the kids, fetching them at school, etc.

We cannot live each day by just going with the flow. That spells danger. I prepare each morning what needs to be done for the day. I prepare for what needs to be done on this blog. I prepare for what may lie ahead for me at home, my business and family. Yes, preparation is needed. It does not always mean that it works out and plans may change along the way. I prepare my paperwork for the evening, when things have quietened down. At times it is preparing quotes, other times preparing invoices/receipts, and at times, the time I want to spend with my wife. What about preparation for the day Jesus returns? Let’s read Matthew 24:44. It offers a great truth – “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.”

This is the most critical part of preparation you need to plan for in your life; the coming of our King Jesus. Are you ready? Are you prepared for His return? Or are you going to realise it when it’s too late, and you miss out on this great occasion. According to Matthew we should be in a state of readiness to meet Jesus. You can’t plan for it on the spot. Then it’s just too late and you lose out. Are you preparing for this great day? Are you prepared when He just “turns up” and is here? I don’t think we are prepared enough. I don’t think most of us can say we are even eighty percent ready. Many may disagree, but I for one, know that I need to continue with these preparations on a daily basis. Praying, speaking to God, reading His Word; these are just many areas of preparation. Start preparing from this moment forth. Jesus is coming unexpectantly. Be blessed!

Saturday, 24 December 2016

A Message Of Joy from MOP Ministry

Today it is a day known as Christmas. It is now 50 minutes into this day in my country and I'm still awake. Why? Because I want to remind you that we should be celebrating the real reason of this season. The birth of our Saviour God, Jesus Christ. Let's remember it in the depths of our hearts and minds, in our souls and bodies. Therefore, I say today, Happy Birthday Jesus!

To one and all, and your dear families. Merry Christmas! May this day be joyous...

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Concerned About Someone?

Men are a funny bunch with characters that span across many genres. Some think outside the box, some think inside the box. Some are successful and others ultra-successful. Some are smart while others under educated. Some are sport types while others couch potatoes. And so each of us differ that much from each other. But I think all men have one common pattern. We are all concerned about someone some time during our lifespans. Some, again, don’t plainly give a toot. This group is in the very minority in this world. You may at some point in your life be concerned about someone; could be your parent/s, could be a child, could be your spouse, and so on. But this becomes a passing phase.

We don’t remain concerned forever. Even in running a business we get concerned at times, but these are seasons we go through. God, on the other hand, is always concerned about those who believe and follow Him. Why? Because we are just humans. Why? Because Satan is always out there trying to devour us. Let’s read Psalm 139:17(a)… “How precious are Your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast in number they are.” That’s right folks! God’s thoughts are all about us, His followers; His children. He remains concerned about us at all times. He knows we can fall and we can fail. He knows the worldly ways can draw us in easily. That’s why He is always “tuning” our lives that we remain close to Him.

That’s why He is always concerned. His thoughts are filled with us throughout our daily lives. He is our God! How great it is to know that he is always thinking about us. He thinks things that concern you and your well-being. This means He takes an active interest in our lives. What a God we serve. We may have thoughts concerning someone for a while, but He is always thinking about us. Wow! Doesn’t that make you feel good knowing that our God is filled with love for us, concerning our lives and ways? Why not go before Him and thank Him for having you in His thoughts daily, everything which concerns you. He is there for you! Amen…

Friday, 16 December 2016

Feeling Rejected?

Life is tough. No matter how good everything seems, it remains tough. Men act tough throughout life cycles, but are they really that tough? As men, rejection is something which affects us all. We don’t like being rejected. That’s the truth. I have been part of clubs and organizations throughout my adult life and, without realising it, rejection was part and parcel at many occasions. People form circles of friends, whether at work, church, even family members. We call these “clicks” and they do not easily allow you in, never mind making you feel comfortable. You are rejected from these groups. Although you try and befriend some of the others, you feel that “cold shoulder” approach every now and then – rejection is not easy, but it happens.

As men it’s tough to feel rejected, especially when you have done nothing to deserve it. It could be that the specific group live at an income much higher than you can attain. Maybe the group is all involved in some sport type; like golf – and you don’t play golf. So these groups don’t always make you feel welcome. You feel you are a lost outsider, not welcome into that “click” and rejection kicks in. At least there is someone who will not reject you at all; unless you refuse to accept that someone. His name is Jesus Christ, our Saviour and loving God. When you accepted Him into your life, it becomes a long-term relationship; and thousands or millions are part of this great group. No one feels rejected.

In 1 Samuel 12:22 we read the following; “For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own.” Wow! I don’t feel rejection with Him. It’s unbelievable. I’m part of the greatest “click” ever while living in this world. God’s kingdom here on earth is mine forever. And so it can be for you too. Don’t feel rejection but feel loved and welcomed all the time. Yes, people, even Christian people may reject you but God never will. Doesn’t that make you feel happy, overjoyed that you will never feel rejection when walking with the One who loves you. What a mighty God we have! I’m glad that He is part of my life and he will never reject me. Enjoy!

Sunday, 11 December 2016

You Are Where You Are

Throughout our life journeys we keep thinking about something. Most men do. We keep asking ourselves if we are in the right place, working at the right company, running and happy with our existing business we own, and much more. Our minds keep running around like an athlete, always trying for better. Are you where you are supposed to be? I should think so. Why? Because maybe that’s where you were always planned to be. I too have had these thoughts roaming in my mind, at times thinking that what I did, the move to go solo in life and my own business, was it truly meant to be? Yes, the economy threatens us, the times are in turmoil; life looks bleak.

In Matthew 5:14 we are reminded about something. It says, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” Wow! Do you see what God did? He planned everything around your life. You are where He wants you to be! The evidence that we know that God wants us where we are right now is that we are there. He knows exactly where we are. He sees us and He is with us. He is our God. What more can we ask for? We are here for one purpose! We must shine His light which is reflected through us to this world we live in. Where you are is where He wants you to shine each day. King David, before becoming king of Israel, was exactly where God wanted him to be; a shepherd and a warrior. God planned it this way before He became king; twelve years later.

You are where you are supposed to be because it is what God wants. High on the list of God’s purposes and plans is that we are His light in our existing areas of life, our regions and places of work, our homes and amongst the friends we have. This is where we must influence and impact lives for Him, to His glory. Jesus said we must not hide the light which radiates from us. We must keep it visible at all times. Through this we worship and praise Him, offering all glory to Him. Don’t allow your lights to dim when becoming too comfortable with your cultures, and the cultures of the places we find ourselves in. It is all about Him! Therefore, become that great shining light on that hill so that everyone can see the mighty God you serve, trust and love. Be blessed today and forever!

Monday, 5 December 2016

Conquer The Giants

In today’s world we live in we face many giants. These are fears of things that can pull us down; maybe your business is in turmoil, your finances are looking dreary, your marriage is falling apart. Giants are the Goliaths we must challenge and overcome. We can’t do it alone though. Yet still, even when we are under attack and the battle seems lost, we must confront these giants and confront our fears, and bring these giants down. You may seek help from very close friends, from mentors or your bank manager, or someone else. But what can they really offer you?

Let’s see what the bible tells us in Romans 8:37; “In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” There’s your answer to all your fears. Don’t allow those giants to defeat you because you have a loving and almighty God who stands with you, who is always there for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Giants are the sign of a promise that is coming, as we are about to enter into that promise. We know what eventually happened to Goliath when David challenged him. He went down!

We need to step out with faith and courage, standing strong and without fear, and our giants will fall – God will help you defeat them. He is our heavenly strength and our fearless all powerful God. Joshua 1:9 speaks about being courageous and strong. Therefore, be strong, bold, and alert at all times. We are almost there by showing up, by living in this arena of life each day. Remain strong and filled with God’s enveloping courage which is in you. Psalm 9:10 again speaks about us knowing His name, remaining strong in faith and trusting Him to defuse this problem; your giants will fall. Today, declare to your Goliath in whose name you come. Faith is believing that God will get you through this storm regardless of what size that giant is. Hold onto His loving and strong hand even when you don’t understand everything. Be strong and courageous! Amen.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

eBooks available authored by Nelson Canha

Hi everyone,

Please note that I have three [3] eBooks published and available via www.smashwords.com and they are selling very cheap. The books are in order of published first to last, Salvation Is The Life, Living In Victory - praying your way into heaven, and my first fictional story, The Hunter.

Feel free to go and visit Smashwords and purchase these eBooks. First two are 10 chapter teachings and The Hunter is approx. 42 chapters of fictional story based on hope, Christian based. I also redesigned the covers for the two teaching eBooks. The Hunter is still the same. Enjoy!

Prayer Offers Victory

Men are a weird bunch. We always seek ways to make things work, discovering new solutions and trying out new ideas. We all think we are Einsteins and “know alls” in this world. We are the “powerhouses” of this world; or so we think. Then something doesn’t want to work out and our new designs, plans, or ideas, don’t match up to the challenge. We are too proud to ask someone or seek advice. Why should we? We are men! I too have fallen into that trap. Too macho to go for help.

Then things get worse and there are no answers or solutions to solve the problem/s. We get angry at ourselves, frustrated with those around us, including our spouses and children. They turn away and keep their distance from us and we start wondering why the atmosphere is going sour. It is us men who cause it most of the times. We are the real problem. Reading the story of Nehemiah made we see more clearly and made me waken up to reality. Without God we are nothing, just another normal mortal soul in this world.

We are God’s children, aren’t we? Then why struggle without answers or solutions? Look what Nehemiah did, in Nehemiah 2:4, after planning to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He didn’t have all the answers and solutions, but God did. This is the verse – “Then I prayed to the God of heaven.” Plain and simple. Nehemiah turned to God in prayer, seeking God’s solutions and His plans and answers. God was awaiting His “call” and wanted to help Him with the solutions and answers. That’s what we should be doing. Start praying and ask God to offer you solutions and answers to the problems you are encountering. Prayer is the vital connection with our Father in heaven. When we don’t know what to do or where to go, start praying. He knows what is best for you in your situation.

Prayer offers victory and it is always anointed by God when we come before Him. Exalt Him and tell your problems to Him and, being patient, await His answers in due time. Some come quickly while others in His own timing. Therefore, bring your requests and petitions before the Lord our God. He will offer you victory! Amen…