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Tuesday, 27 December 2016


Being prepared for anything is better than being caught out by surprise. Men are types of folks who do not always prepare themselves for each day. They just go with the flow. Being prepared, to my knowledge, is a much more mature way of approaching life each day. Being unprepared can cause havoc, can cause disaster to strike, can be very detrimental to our lives, even our health. Business owners get to the office and prepare their day. Employees arrive at the office, and after discussing the day’s plans with them, they prepare themselves. Children prepare themselves for tasks that need planning and completion. They plan for tests and exams. Parents plan and prepare for their day and chores ahead; making breakfast, making lunch for the kids, fetching them at school, etc.

We cannot live each day by just going with the flow. That spells danger. I prepare each morning what needs to be done for the day. I prepare for what needs to be done on this blog. I prepare for what may lie ahead for me at home, my business and family. Yes, preparation is needed. It does not always mean that it works out and plans may change along the way. I prepare my paperwork for the evening, when things have quietened down. At times it is preparing quotes, other times preparing invoices/receipts, and at times, the time I want to spend with my wife. What about preparation for the day Jesus returns? Let’s read Matthew 24:44. It offers a great truth – “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.”

This is the most critical part of preparation you need to plan for in your life; the coming of our King Jesus. Are you ready? Are you prepared for His return? Or are you going to realise it when it’s too late, and you miss out on this great occasion. According to Matthew we should be in a state of readiness to meet Jesus. You can’t plan for it on the spot. Then it’s just too late and you lose out. Are you preparing for this great day? Are you prepared when He just “turns up” and is here? I don’t think we are prepared enough. I don’t think most of us can say we are even eighty percent ready. Many may disagree, but I for one, know that I need to continue with these preparations on a daily basis. Praying, speaking to God, reading His Word; these are just many areas of preparation. Start preparing from this moment forth. Jesus is coming unexpectantly. Be blessed!

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