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Sunday, 22 January 2017

What do you want?

Men always want something more. We want greater financial statuses. We want great cars. We want big homes. We want long titles behind our names. We want to be famous. We want to be better than everyone else. Yes, men wat always! For most, it is not so easy to achieve planned goals. It could be that the timing is wrong. It could be that our walk in life, our choices we make are always failures. It could be that we listened to the wrong people and follow advice that was not meant for us. Men are stubborn! Ouch, now I can hear you giving me the lip, but truth hurts for those who need to hear it clearly. What do you really want? What is it that your heart desires?

Have you tried ways to achieving your desires, on reaching those goals you set? Have you failed big time? Have you tried getting there illegally, maybe working under the belt of the law? What do you want? Let’s read Esther 9:12(b). Esther’s story, although it being a female, is truly an amazing one, and a great example for us men. Here’s the verse, “Now what is your petition? It will be given you. What is your request? It will also be granted.” Esther stood up for her people and went straight to the point. She too had goals to achieve, plans she desired for her and her people. She faced this head on. When she approached the king, he was ready to hear and answer her request. The same is true when we approach the Lord our God with our requests.

What is your request today? What do you want? What is the pressing issue you are facing? Approach God and ask Him directly. He is listening to you. He wants you and I to approach Him with boldness and ask what is in our hearts. When you call upon Him, God will answer you and honour you. He will rescue you as well. Just make sure that what you ask or petition before the Lord is in His will, that it is something worth asking Him. Put your requests before God in prayer. Talk to Him today. What do you want? God is waiting for you right now. Enjoy!

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