As men we tend to skip days of Bible reading and studying, but we won't skip our rugby, soccer or formula one on TV when it takes place. This is a priority for us men. We don't skip our work or meetings with clients or in-house at our companies. Then why skip Bible studies when that is the best ever method of staying on top of everything else because God is in control? Let's look at one or two ideas that can change your life about Bible studies.
1] Change the subject of your study - very little is spoken about this, if any at all. We tend to see the Bible as the means to an end. It's not! The Bible brings us closer to God and through it we get to know the true God we serve. It needs to be read, meditated upon, studied in some detail that we actually find ourselves in some of the "stories" written or parables spoken of, or what the Apostles taught us. Never let it be boring. Enjoy it and have fun with it. Your life gets changed.
2] Look at it like looking at a movie - the Bible has great battle scenes in it, plenty of drama, and even verses/teachings that make it feel like a reality show. Don't just read it like an ordinary book. Let it come alive in you. Get yourself sucked in to what it is saying to you. It is, once again, a life changing experience.
3] Pray about the steps that follow, or that lead you in a certain direction. Prayer is the "hotline" to our loving Father God. When we pray God reveals to us many mysteries in the Bible, and these become new revelations for you. Prayer allows the Holy Spirit to implant the Word of God in your mind, through your heart, and into your soul. Don't ignore prayer. When the verses/Scriptures start to lead you, pray about it, then allow God's Spirit to guide you forward. Again, this changes lives.
Be blessed and enjoy the ride. Study/read/meditate upon it, but enjoy the Bible! Amen...
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