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Saturday, 9 December 2017

Don't Lie!

Men love to twist things to suit their ways. And at best we even lie to ourselves so that everything looks cool, or maybe it let's us feel better. This is wrong! Lies land up deceiving us and this leads to an eternal death; a spiritual death and far from God. Here are some lies we tell ourselves and believe.

1] I'm always ok - why do we believe this? When trials hit home or our marriages are in a turmoil, or our finances don't look so good, we still believe the lie saying that we are ok. You are heading for disaster. We believe because when we start delving into these areas more closely we don't want to see what is not ok. We may discover that we need some repairing internally.

Jeremiah 17:9 states the following, and this is so true... "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" This is the NIV translation. Our own hearts can deceive us too. When our human nature takes charge [the flesh], we are heading for trouble. Only God understands everything. We are limited in comparison to God. Next ...

2] We try and hide things so that no one discovers our flaws, our problems. Pride takes charge here. In the Bible it says clearly that everything that is hidden will be revealed sooner or later. Nothing remains hidden. So why believe this lie? You start believing that no one will find out. Wrong! It will come out in the future. God knows.

3] I'm made this way - What a lot of bull dust. I was one who believed this lie years back before God spoke to me and corrected my heart. We are not "just made like that" at all. God created us long before we were in our mothers' wombs. He knew us from the beginning, even before birth. He already knew our failures, our good points and where we would be in the future. Don't believe this lie! Eternal damnation is not worth it.

Pray and ask God to make you the man, the warrior He wants you to be, that your faith will remain intact and your spirit will be open to the Holy Spirit's prompting. God is listening and He wants to help us; you and me. Start today! Be blessed.

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