Hi Brothers in Christ,
Men have this one thing that usually hinders us from opening up to our mistakes - Pride! And this leads to great relationships turning sour or non existent after some time frame. We always think we are right and, even when we are not, we refuse to apologise for any mistakes or errors we make. That hurts those close to you - maybe family, or colleagues, or close friends. Then, when we decide to own up to our mistakes, we confess them. Everyone is now happy again. Life goes on!
What about our mistakes and errors we make before God? There are times we cuss, using foul language without realising it, and it's too late after the words have been uttered from our mouths. Usually we confess them to God; if we are true men and believers, but is that enough? Ezekiel 18:21 says the following: "Suppose wicked people stop sinning and start obeying my laws and doing right. They won't be put death." [CEV bible]. Another translation says, "But if a wicked person turns away from all his sins ... he shall surely live." This is powerful when you really meditate upon this verse.
Confession is necessary, but only that? Sufficiency is achieved only when we confess our wrongs and this is connected with true repentance. Without repentance there is no meaning to your confessions. Bu confessing we are making our sins known; to God, to our spouses, to our colleagues, family or friends. Repentance in the other hand involves turning away from those wrongs/sins. We must not only confess but we must repent too. Repentance leads us to not do them again. True repentance will allow God to guide us into a new path and journey, away from sin and wrong-doing.
By following this way, we men willingly become renewed, new men and new followers again. We become real loyal followers of Jesus Christ. I'm not perfect! I do make mistakes, say wrong things, act wrongly; displease God at stages in my life. Why? I allow the world attractions to get to me, maybe through my business, maybe with those men I mingle with. No! That's not how we as Christian followers should live. We must shine God's light in this dark world.
Yes, confession requires guts but repentance requires a soft willing heart, humble before God and men alike. What do we do about this? If you need to confess about something today, also rerpent for it out. Enjoy the "new you" journey ahead. Be blessed!
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