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Friday, 29 July 2016

It's Your Choice

In life choices are always made, whether by our own understanding or by the influence of others. Yes, choices are made! We choose to do good or evil. We choose to marry or remain single. We choose to follow Jesus Christ or the world. By the way. The world is ruled by Satan, that ugly serpent. In life we have two important choices to make; one leads to eternal death while the other leads to eternal life. If we chase after created things such as wealth, sex, status or anything else, we are “given” freedom, joy, peace, love and much more. If we choose the Creator, the living and loving God, we “get” freedom, joy, peace, love and much more. Both have many similarities but only one choice counts. As Christian men, and yes, Christian men live worldly lives as well and many have made wrong choices already, we should choose God our Saviour. We should choose Jesus Christ our Lord and God.

The simple question is this. Which choice will we make? Which statement above will we believe and adopt, and follow in faith? That’s the make or break of our future. Many other choices can be made and be blessed with everything when God is chosen, when Jesus is in it all. No other choice is healthy, especially one – where Satan rules you, because he rules the world. Let’s get serious about this. Stopped playing around. God is not a puppet which you can manipulate. God is God! We must acknowledge Him in every part of our lives and enjoy the journey ahead where He is steering our lives. Matthew 4:19 says the following; “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” God created us and He has a plan and purpose for our lives – He wants us to allow Him to become the choice we make. He is the only true God and Creator. There is no other. Only one God exists that is true and real. Any other gods are there to offer you destruction and turmoil in your lives. Choose well.

Furthermore, we read in Matthew 6:24 the following; “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Here we can see it very clearly. God wants us to make a choice. He doesn’t twist our arms and force us. We have free will. But He is clear about it. The choice you make will determine the outcome of your future and your life today. He even hates those who sit on the fence, not choosing one side or the other. He tells us not to be mild – we must choose hot or cold and nothing in between. Unfortunately, only one choice will lead to the best life ever, all else will be detrimental to our lives. What is your choice? Sit down and think about it well. Search the bible and look for those verses that offer you choices, the “if and then” offerings God has spoken about. Meditate upon these scripture verses and make that decision today. You must choose!

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