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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

You Are Stronger Than That Mountain

Fear of failure is something which lies deep within our hearts. Maybe it’s fear of failing in business. Maybe fear of losing that managerial post at work. Maybe it’s fear of snakes, wild animals or someone else. Most men fear something; there is the odd one here and there who thinks he is superman. No one lives without fear. Most of us, if not every single one of us, do face a mountain or two in our walks of life. Some may have smaller mountains while others have mountains which are to big to even try and conquer. As human beings, men are not superman, nor are women for that matter. We need to find a way to conquer our mountains that cross our paths of life. There is always a solution out there – a friend, a family member, a pastor, a therapist of some type, etc.

Joshua 14:6-15 speaks about Caleb and the mountain he conquered. How did he conquer his mountain? Because he believed in God. Let’s read a portion of Joshua 14:12 only; “Now give me this mountain…” Wow! Look at him go for it. Moses had sent out a group of men to scout the land promised to them by God. All but Caleb return with a positive report. The others put fear into the hearts of the Israelites because of the giants that lived in that land. How did Caleb react? He stood strong and knew that God would help them conquer the giants; the mountain they faced. Why don’t we want mountains for a challenge? Because we fear failure and doom. But Caleb asked God for that mountain and he was not worried or scared at all.

We love our comfort zones, our cocoons we live in. Who needs mountains or giants for us to take on? Mountains in our lives make us stronger and bolder; fearless. God will lead us over these mountains as conquerors because He has promised us victory. So why not ask God for a mountain? It will make a man out of you. Yes, there are times that mountains appear up ahead of us in our lives. We mustn’t turn around and run. No! Call out to God and ask for that mountain and conquer it. Mountain climbing is dangerous. It is not safe to take on mountains, physically. Many have died trying. Many fail because they try going it alone. Go mountain climbing with a group, and plenty of quality ropes, shackles and pulleys, or whatever is needed for that trip. As a group we can conquer the mountain, each helping the other; much safer this way.

Caleb was in the right place. He was in the place where God was by his side. He knew God had promised him victory and he took on that mountain that was before him. He conquered because God was by his side on that battlefield, helping him win the battle. Caleb knew God very well, and he worshipped God totally – he feared nothing because his God was with him. Are you ready to ask God for that mountain? Do you see yourself taking on that mountain? We humans always think negatively when something big faces us. Ask God for that mountain and take it on with a smile, a prayer, and with God’s help. He will place it into your hands and you will conquer it, whatever your mountain may be. God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you. Amen!

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