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Saturday, 26 May 2018

Remember The Invitation

Greetings Brothers, and all those following this blog,

I trust all are well and life is treating you well. How many times have you been invited to some function, maybe a seminar, or even to attend a school reunion, and a day after it has passed, you remember but too late? It's done and dusted! You forgot about it because of your busy life, or maybe you never checked your diary that day or two before the specific event. That was a big mistake! Now regret you missed out and never caught up with folks you would've loved to have met and chatted with.

What about God? Let's first read a verse or two before we move on. It is found in John 14:16-17, and it goes like this ... "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever..." Jesus was speaking here and He was speaking about a promise that the Holy Spirit would be with us after He ascended up into heaven. God the Holy Spirit is with us today as He was with them all after Jesus departed earth. He is our Helper, our Guide, our Protector, our Healer, and everything else God is to us.

Therefore, whenever you are in a brotherly Christian gathering, or maybe attending some meeting related to your faith, maybe a church meeting, remember the invitation - to invite your Helper to be amongst you during that time. Even at your workplace, or in the office or field, remember the invitation. make sure the Holy Spirit is with you, leading you on every minute of that day. Without Him chaos may ensue and what will that bring you? Nothing that is called a blessing. Right now, remember that invite before you make your next move or take your next step. Be blessed !!

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