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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Interesting Reading

Hi Everyone!

I authored 3 books [as eBooks] which are two teachings, Salvation Is The Life and Living In Victory - praying your way into heaven, plus my first Christian-based fiction story called The Hunter. These are found at www.smashwords.com for all international readers. South Africans can contact me directly at nelson.canha@gmail.com ... and I can email them to you at a minimal price... Enjoy!
These are the cover pics...

Do You Believe?

This article came alive in my heart after watching a movie on a Christian channel, called “Do You Believe?” It touched me so that I only fell asleep at around 1h30am. God offered me a revelation and a message for this blog and ministry, something I needed to prepare and publish. We all believe in something, whether saved born-again Christians or people who live the worldly ways, men or women. I’m reaching out to you all, but mainly men. We believe in ourselves, in our capabilities in the business world, in our statuses, in our names and titles behind our names, and much more. Believing in something or other doesn’t mean we are living in a true belief situation for our lives. In this movie, in the beginning, a character [a man] was walking down a road in a US city, and asking people if they believe. He was carrying a cross on his shoulder and it was quite large in size, but not too heavy. A car stopped at the intersection and he approached this car. He asked the driver if he believed in the cross of Christ. The man responded by saying that he was a pastor of a nearby church.

The man with the cross smiled, and asked him again if he truly believed. There was no quick response, but some moment of silence at first before the “pastor” answered. The movie, throughout its different scenes, really touched me and made me think. Jesus, who is God our Saviour, came to earth as a human being, a man as we are; flesh. He was on earth for thirty three years and He was crucified for our sins. John 3:16 says the following; “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This woke me up to something I needed to say to you all today. Jesus Christ took upon Himself the full brunt of the sin in this world and died on the cross for us. He descended to where after His death? It does not tell us directly, but He descended into hell for us, carrying our sins upon Himself. But being the mighty Saviour God who He is, He rose from the dead and was later lifted up into heaven. Can you see the picture? Let me expand more on this.
He was the first born of the dead, according to scriptures and studies I have done. But you are thinking of those Jesus miraculously healed from death and made them whole and alive before His crucifixion. Yes, He did perform such acts, all to His glory, but they were not living within the new covenant He set out for us. We were saved because of God’s grace and mercy for us. He was the first born from the dead “of sin” and because He is God, He was the victor over Satan and sin, for He was sinless as God on earth amongst us. Everyone else was raised from the dead as miracles to the glory of our God. Jesus was the One who overcame the burden of our world’s sin and rose from the death in hell on the third day. This brings me back to the question of the title of this post/article. I realised that I truly believed in the cross of Christ Jesus my God and Saviour. Where do you stand in life today? Are you just another Christian, or do you believe?

Let’s pray! “Father, today I come before You and I confess that I have lived a life of sin and falsehood before You. I confess that I’m a sinner and today ask Your forgiveness of my sin. Today I want to become new and a true Believer in that Jesus Christ died foe me on the cross and was risen from the dead on the third day. I repent from my past life and today I confess that I’m renewed in Christ Jesus. I now am a believer and I want You to lead me through Your Holy Spirit in me on this new journey of my life into the future. Today I believe and will always be Your follower and a new creation as You start changing my life. This I openly pray from the depths of my heart, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, who is my Lord God and Saviour, Amen.”  Enjoy your new journey ahead. I ask you once more…

Do You Believe? I did and still do. If you need counselling or want to know more about Jesus Christ and this free gift of salvation, please feel free to contact me via my email as follows – nelson.canha@gmail.com … May the Lord keep you, may His face shine upon you and may you be blessed forever. Amen!

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Healing Your Land

Everyone has a land for themselves. Now you’re thinking that I’m sucking up wind. Yes, we all have our own lands. Our lands are our businesses, our places of work, our families and possessions, and much more. Our “lands” could be crumbling around us right now, somewhere where you do not want to be right now. But unfortunately you are busy losing everything. Why? Your ways of living and your wrongful and sinful lifestyle may be destroying everything you have lived for. Satan has been ruling your heart, your mind and your soul for years now. How do you turn this all around? 2 Chronicles 7:14 offers us a great answer, the best answer ever – “If my people, who are called by my Name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Wow! What an answer! Only God can offer us such an answer, and a way out of our “land’s” destruction, whatever it may be.

Your business may be in dire straits, your marriage could be hitting the rocks, and so on… this is your land. How do you mend it before total disaster kicks in and destruction ends it all? By being transformed and renewed. How? Repenting of your past and present sinful life and humbling yourselves before God, and becoming new creations as pleases Him, striving for righteousness and becoming believers in Jesus Christ. In this way you can save your land or lands which you have been given; your business, your marriage and family, and whatever else you have been blessed with. A few years ago I lost everything and my “land” was gone. My marriage remained intact though and my family remained together. My lands were cut in half, a failed business and partnership that turned disastrous and completely ruined me financially. And today? I am living a wonderful life again, running a new business and blessed by God.

Somewhere along the path of life I lost touch with my first love, allowing the world to draw me in. I was still a believer and a Christian, but I allowed my life structures to be weaken by other things; and the devil found a way in. I was hurt, paining and disappointed with myself, and God. But I realised what happened and discovered the truth. What was my response? I humbled myself and turned to my Creator, asking forgiveness and turned back to Him in a big way, which is still my lifestyle today. He healed my ”land” and restored me once again. I became totally transformed in His ways and allowed God to take me on this new journey; and Jesus Christ was my most important goal in my life – the best relationship grew from it all. My relationship with my loving and graceful God. My heart, mind and soul were transformed forever. In Romans 12:2 I discovered my new me; “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” That’s me today.

My life is blessed today. Is yours? Are you feeling your “land or lands” crumbling around you right now? Make that decision today and turn it all around. My priorities in life are as follows… first my God, then my family and lastly my business. Many think I’m crazy! I know better though. God provides! He provides the food for my mind and soul, my spiritual growth. He provides my needs to see my family as a blessing from Him; love, strength and support. He provides my business with everything I need. I’m still in the growth process, now five years later. Where do you stand right now? Need more support or help? Contact me at nelson.canha@gmail.com and we can speak/discuss it, and pray [men worldwide welcome]. May God’s love and blessings surround you forever. Amen.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Being Free Forever

 Today we all live under various laws and masters. Believe it! It’s true… We must obey the laws of the country we are residents in. We must obey our city’s bylaws and everything that is criminal. That’s why there are laws in place, for our well-being. Unfortunately, in today’s life we live with countries ridden by crime and lawlessness. Men are very drawn into such lifestyles which mostly end up with disastrous outcomes. That’s life! Is this your opinion or saying? There is something better, much better than such lives and ways of living. Even in our business world crime is committed, i.e. espionage, corruption, and many more I’m not mentioning here. Where does it start? From the top order of many governments, not always necessary the leader of the country, but at times they are part of the process.

Woman are also involved, but a much smaller percentage compared to men. There is another way we should be living though. Let’s see what Romans 6: 14 has to say about this; “For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace.” What is this verse telling us? Let me elaborate further… In the Old Testament everyone lived under the Law of Moses, all believers and followers of our God lived in ways that went according to the Law. Yes, the Ten Commandments is something we must obey and other areas of the Law as prescribed then. But we are alive today under God’s grace, his unfailing love for us. Jesus Christ freed us from sin when He paid the price for our sins on the cross on Calvary. He is our Redeemer… He paid for our sins in full.

Sin should now not be ruling our lives if and when we confess that we are believers in Jesus Christ. When we have repented from the past sinful lifestyles we led, we are freed forever. Because of God’s loving grace, the redemption of our sins and past lives, we are free. Who becomes our Master now? God our Creator and our Lord and Saviour becomes our Master. This is better than the master of sin; he who is called Satan, the devil. Our new lives should be lived as follows… “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” [Joshua 24:15 (c)]. Can you see the difference between living under the law to living under grace? The Law leads you to see the sinful nature of your life and most times you love what you see. God’s grace, His unfailing love, releases you completely from that nature of life you are leading. How you may ask? Jesus’ death for our sins; this is God’s grace and love for us. Being free forever.

Men! I challenge you today to seek God our Saviour, our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. In this manner you’ll be freed from the clutches of the law and enjoy a new future life under God’s loving grace. Which do you prefer? Grace or law? I decided to accept Jesus Christ because His grace freed me forever. The law kept me entangled in my sin and, no matter what you try, in the clutches of the father of lies. God’s grace was completely different. I’m free and under grace; His unfailing love. Need more? Do you need help? Contact me any time at nelson.canha@gmail.com [for all men worldwide]. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

I Want A Life That Means Something

We all want lives that mean something. We all want to impact the world. That’s one of our character traits as men. We want our lives to matter. Life cannot end without meaning or impacting someone. Men want to leave behind some sort of legacy. They must be remembered for something, that’s our nature. We can’t live lives without it meaning anything, without some stature. How right we are! Only one thing, also how wrong we are in a sense. We read the bible and understand what the purpose of the Holy Spirit is in our lives, or what He is supposed to be. Yet we don’t live this life we are meant to live. To many men life with God is not seen or lived out. Life is about “me and I” and nothing else. We want to stand on that pedestal. We don’t see a need for God with us – the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Faith has a lot to do with it all. We have faith in ourselves and faith, maybe but not always, in others around us. We even have faith in the material things of this world, like motorcars, or some other worldly possessions, but not in God. Luke 17:6 tells us the following … “He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree,” ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ “and it will obey you.” ” Do you see what impact this will be? Will this not have real meaning in your life, a great legacy to leave behind? There are men, like myself, who believe this is lives that truly mean something. There is a way.

To have a life that means something or has great impact, we need the power of the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit’s power must be able to work in us on a daily basis. Without it we live meaningless lives. We live lives without real impact, without a great legacy – no names will be remembered. When we live lives with true meaning and this allow others to change, we leave behind legacies that will count. This will please God always. When He is part of our lives and the Holy Spirit is allowed to lead us on a journey of discovery that only what God wants for us, then we will lead lives that mean something. Anything else is futile. Believe you me for I was there. Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ today and living a life as He has planned for us will bear much fruit which pleases Him. All other fruit without Him will not grow to become something worth mentioning.

The surprising thing about acting in faith is that, unlike when we act on our own steam or efforts, it’s not our own strength, skills or power that leaves an impact. It is from God, ordained and blessed by Him. It’s His Spirit and His power that do it, not us alone. Through God all things are possible. Not for men alone. We are limited in our possibilities. Hebrews 11:32-34 tells us more. Many mighty men and women in the bible were conquerors, but not in their own strength. God was the “Force” with them all. He was with them at all times and He made all things possible. They couldn’t! Do you live a life that really means something? Are you leaving behind a legacy that fulfils God’s plans for you on this earth? What’s your answer? That’s my goal in life today. It’s not about me but my King Jesus and His impact on my life, and what He can do for you as well. Be blessed. Contact me at nelson.canha@gmail.com via email and we can discuss this further.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

A Time Of Being Alone

There is something very true about men, something I’ve come to realise even in my own life. We men don’t stand for being alone for a moment. At least the greater majority of men are like this. Today I enjoy the time of being alone, solitude for rest and being in God’s presence. I was not always like this until God became everything in my life. I always wanted to be around other men, or anyone at any time of my life, but never alone. It was unheard of. Throughout the bible, in the New Testament, we have read how Jesus enjoy a time of solitude with the Father [read Luke 5:17]. He would leave His disciples wherever they were at the time and would disappear into the mountains, valleys or any quiet area to go and pray to the Father. This was His alone time, His quiet time.

We again, being men, enjoy groups or company at all times. Being alone is not usually part of our nature. As men we have limitations. Jesus knew this very well; He was living as flesh amongst us and knew the weaknesses of the flesh. He never gave in to the ways of the flesh though. We do! Jesus connected with the Father alone to receive fresh guidance and power from above. He understood us men very well. We never allowed such times because we needed someone around us to complete our emptiness – this is more of a normal standard in our lifestyles. Being alone? Never! “This is not for me. Me and my mates have fun when we are around each other.” That’s usually our understanding of life – never alone. How wrong we are.

Jesus knew at the time that being connected with the Father was necessary; it fulfilled His every need. He wants us to know this too. Solitude is hard for us, with family/wives around us, with friends/colleagues around us, or with anyone around us at any given time. They all take up the space of our spare time when we are not working or busy with anything else. There is no time of solitude for us. Yet God, through the bible scriptures, teaches us that a time of solitude is important for us, especially an alone time with Him. He wants to connect with us on a daily basis. He wants a time of “companionship” with us, and us with Him. Men don’t always believe this. How are you when it comes to a time of solitude, a time of being alone? Can you handle it? Is God part of it? If not, why not? What’s your excuse? I say, take time and let God in and start a new life with a great Companion that is God, our Saviour and Lord, He who is Jesus Christ. Alone time starts with Him. Start today! Enjoy…

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Who Is God?

Let’s read Revelation 1:8, and find out a bit more who God is – “ ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’ ” Understanding this verse we see that God is the beginning and the end, the middle and all else that goes with it. He is mighty and powerful. He is God above all other gods. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. God is! Although He is everything and beyond what we can fathom, He is our God who wants us for Himself. He wants us to enjoy a relationship with Him above everything this world can offer us; even our marriages, our businesses and whatever else we have and are in this world cannot compare with Him. He is above everything!

Matthew 10:29-31 offers us more. God see us as very important in His sight. Sparrows and, any other animals or beings, anything never runs short of needs. He offers everything, yet He tells us we are greater than all these things. He cares about each of us, more than we can imagine. Most men are blind to this. They seek the way they want to live. They seek the solutions to their problems. They want to go their own way when it comes to success and greatness. And the results? We end up falling short by miles. The world can’t offer what God has for us. Never! Try it and see where you are going to end up. Here everything has an end but with God life doesn’t stop here. No, it goes on. Eternity is promised to those who follow Him, who let Him into their hearts and lives.
Who is God? He is our only true solution to a life for today and beyond. He is our Creator and Provider, the One who loves us without measure and time. He is our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ our God. He is the I Am! He is with us always; today and forever. We should believe all this. Do we really? I don’t think so. Men are too proud to allow change to take place, too “locked up” in our own cocoons to see the truth. “It is my way or the highway.” This hurts God. He loves us and wants us for Himself. He wants a great and loving relationship with us. This is who God is. Where are you standing in your life right now? Are you going it alone because you feel you are good enough without Him, or anyone else for that matter? Why not open up your life to Him today and allow Jesus to teach you the best way to live and how to move forward? He is God! Let’s chat…

Thursday, 5 May 2016


How many of us are Pushing enough and seeing fruits when we pray? Life is not easy in today's economical times and many businesses are feeling the brunt of it all; some even closing their doors. I say P.U.S.H. What does the mean you may be asking?

That's easy! If you are n who believes in our living God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, then you will know what to do. Pray Until Something Happens! We need to bring everything in our lives before God and seek Him above all else first, and He has promised that all will be added. Are you Pushing enough? Start to PUSH forward and see what God can do for you.

Do enjoy the coming weekend. Amen.

Straighten Out Your Life

Life has its ups and downs. Most times we need to compromise something, at times many things, just to stay ahead of the pack. Do we really need to compromise something to achieve fullness in life? No, we don’t! Life can be lived out in such a way that no compromising is necessary. Colossians 3:2 offers us a truth about this, an answer we need to hear… and understand well - “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Wow! Do you get it? The world wants us to compromise so as to achieve greatness. We compromise our marriages, our families and friends, our own health, just to achieve greatness. But God says differently. He says we need to seek Him and everything He has for us and all else will fall into place. Earthly lifestyles have limitations. God has none. He offers us an eternal life hereafter, but it can start today.

Now you may be asking how this is possible. God wants us to seek Him first and above the earthly things and He will show us how to live lives without compromising anything. Things from Him never have an ending while worldly things only have a certain time span before they end. Stress and tension is always around us, especially nowadays with the rat-race lives we live in. Long hours at work, less time for friends and family, travelling in strained traffic on the highways. Plus there is much more I won’t mention here. We become accustomed to compromise something so that we can move forward with our lives. We race our lives at warp speeds to achieve great wealth, above average success, more than we really need. Why? We want to better than the Jones.

We want more money, greater possessions, a bigger “name”, and it goes on. But at what price? Our health, our marriages and families? We tend to compromise in many of these areas to achieve our goals and dreams. God differs from this. He says that when we seek Him and His kingdom, all else will be added. Life becomes less stressful, less tension to destroy us and lead us into a pit. Yes, stress and tension are around us daily. Do we need to compromise anything to overcome this? No! God is the answer to all this. The devil wants to destroy us in any way he can, but God is a restoration Maker. John 17:14-19 tells us that we are living in this world but we aren’t of this world; unless the devil is ruling your life though. How can you change all this? One way only. Allow Jesus Christ into your life starting today. Let Him be your Ruler and true life Giver. Allow Him to show you the way to live without compromising. His ways are better, His thoughts are better – He is the best answer to your lifestyle. Make that change today, and live forever. Let’s chat… contact me at nelson.canha@gmail.com and I’ll help you to discover a life of fullness without comnpromise.

Monday, 2 May 2016

What Are You Gaining?

Let’s read Matthew 16:26… [NIV]… “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” We all want successful lives as men. Either success in our businesses, success in our marriages, success with our children, success in sport, and it goes on. The world offers us quite a lot of opportunities, but what do you really gain? Do you give your soul away for success, placing everything else around you on the backburner? What are you gaining? Life is not about success alone. Life has much more to offer us, especially the men who, being the man of the house, are the main income bringers into their homes.

Men allow life’s cycle to start ruling over them. They plan for their future success. They plan to achieve greater goals even after their success; they are never happy with what they have achieved. Life is not always about success. What is more important than our success? Most men ask this question. Let’s get in deeper to this question, with answers that make deeper sense and have greater meanings for our lives. Yes, life has its part in success. But that’s not the final solution. Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour should also be part of our success. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is our living and loving God. He should be our ultimate goal for success.

Worldly success does play a part in our lives. We need to work in this world we live in, growing in whichever area we are involved in. But without God as a part of it all, we are gaining nothing really. John 10: 10 tells us the following… The devil comes to destroy lives while God wants us to succeed, and live in abundance. Not worldly abundance alone, but spiritual abundance as well – a life where Jesus Christ is part of that success. Are you truly gaining something in this life right now? Are you living a true life of abundance and real success? I know of very wealthy men who live a life of sadness, alone and without real hope. Success alone has destroyed their souls – the devil took over and we know his ways are not healthy. If this is you, then change this all around today. Allow Jesus to become the God of your soul and life. Let Him lead you into real success, a life of abundance – that is joy, love, peace and much more. I’ll await your reply… Enjoy!