Now you may be asking how this is possible. God wants us to seek Him first and above the earthly things and He will show us how to live lives without compromising anything. Things from Him never have an ending while worldly things only have a certain time span before they end. Stress and tension is always around us, especially nowadays with the rat-race lives we live in. Long hours at work, less time for friends and family, travelling in strained traffic on the highways. Plus there is much more I won’t mention here. We become accustomed to compromise something so that we can move forward with our lives. We race our lives at warp speeds to achieve great wealth, above average success, more than we really need. Why? We want to better than the Jones.
We want more money, greater possessions, a bigger “name”,
and it goes on. But at what price? Our health, our marriages and families? We
tend to compromise in many of these areas to achieve our goals and dreams. God
differs from this. He says that when we seek Him and His kingdom, all else will
be added. Life becomes less stressful, less tension to destroy us and lead us
into a pit. Yes, stress and tension are around us daily. Do we need to
compromise anything to overcome this? No! God is the answer to all this. The
devil wants to destroy us in any way he can, but God is a restoration Maker. John
17:14-19 tells us that we are living in this world but we aren’t of this world;
unless the devil is ruling your life though. How can you change all this? One
way only. Allow Jesus Christ into your life starting today. Let Him be your
Ruler and true life Giver. Allow Him to show you the way to live without
compromising. His ways are better, His thoughts are better – He is the best
answer to your lifestyle. Make that change today, and live forever. Let’s chat…
contact me at
and I’ll help you to discover a life of fullness without comnpromise.
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