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Monday, 2 May 2016

What Are You Gaining?

Let’s read Matthew 16:26… [NIV]… “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” We all want successful lives as men. Either success in our businesses, success in our marriages, success with our children, success in sport, and it goes on. The world offers us quite a lot of opportunities, but what do you really gain? Do you give your soul away for success, placing everything else around you on the backburner? What are you gaining? Life is not about success alone. Life has much more to offer us, especially the men who, being the man of the house, are the main income bringers into their homes.

Men allow life’s cycle to start ruling over them. They plan for their future success. They plan to achieve greater goals even after their success; they are never happy with what they have achieved. Life is not always about success. What is more important than our success? Most men ask this question. Let’s get in deeper to this question, with answers that make deeper sense and have greater meanings for our lives. Yes, life has its part in success. But that’s not the final solution. Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour should also be part of our success. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is our living and loving God. He should be our ultimate goal for success.

Worldly success does play a part in our lives. We need to work in this world we live in, growing in whichever area we are involved in. But without God as a part of it all, we are gaining nothing really. John 10: 10 tells us the following… The devil comes to destroy lives while God wants us to succeed, and live in abundance. Not worldly abundance alone, but spiritual abundance as well – a life where Jesus Christ is part of that success. Are you truly gaining something in this life right now? Are you living a true life of abundance and real success? I know of very wealthy men who live a life of sadness, alone and without real hope. Success alone has destroyed their souls – the devil took over and we know his ways are not healthy. If this is you, then change this all around today. Allow Jesus to become the God of your soul and life. Let Him lead you into real success, a life of abundance – that is joy, love, peace and much more. I’ll await your reply… Enjoy!

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