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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Do You Believe?

This article came alive in my heart after watching a movie on a Christian channel, called “Do You Believe?” It touched me so that I only fell asleep at around 1h30am. God offered me a revelation and a message for this blog and ministry, something I needed to prepare and publish. We all believe in something, whether saved born-again Christians or people who live the worldly ways, men or women. I’m reaching out to you all, but mainly men. We believe in ourselves, in our capabilities in the business world, in our statuses, in our names and titles behind our names, and much more. Believing in something or other doesn’t mean we are living in a true belief situation for our lives. In this movie, in the beginning, a character [a man] was walking down a road in a US city, and asking people if they believe. He was carrying a cross on his shoulder and it was quite large in size, but not too heavy. A car stopped at the intersection and he approached this car. He asked the driver if he believed in the cross of Christ. The man responded by saying that he was a pastor of a nearby church.

The man with the cross smiled, and asked him again if he truly believed. There was no quick response, but some moment of silence at first before the “pastor” answered. The movie, throughout its different scenes, really touched me and made me think. Jesus, who is God our Saviour, came to earth as a human being, a man as we are; flesh. He was on earth for thirty three years and He was crucified for our sins. John 3:16 says the following; “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This woke me up to something I needed to say to you all today. Jesus Christ took upon Himself the full brunt of the sin in this world and died on the cross for us. He descended to where after His death? It does not tell us directly, but He descended into hell for us, carrying our sins upon Himself. But being the mighty Saviour God who He is, He rose from the dead and was later lifted up into heaven. Can you see the picture? Let me expand more on this.
He was the first born of the dead, according to scriptures and studies I have done. But you are thinking of those Jesus miraculously healed from death and made them whole and alive before His crucifixion. Yes, He did perform such acts, all to His glory, but they were not living within the new covenant He set out for us. We were saved because of God’s grace and mercy for us. He was the first born from the dead “of sin” and because He is God, He was the victor over Satan and sin, for He was sinless as God on earth amongst us. Everyone else was raised from the dead as miracles to the glory of our God. Jesus was the One who overcame the burden of our world’s sin and rose from the death in hell on the third day. This brings me back to the question of the title of this post/article. I realised that I truly believed in the cross of Christ Jesus my God and Saviour. Where do you stand in life today? Are you just another Christian, or do you believe?

Let’s pray! “Father, today I come before You and I confess that I have lived a life of sin and falsehood before You. I confess that I’m a sinner and today ask Your forgiveness of my sin. Today I want to become new and a true Believer in that Jesus Christ died foe me on the cross and was risen from the dead on the third day. I repent from my past life and today I confess that I’m renewed in Christ Jesus. I now am a believer and I want You to lead me through Your Holy Spirit in me on this new journey of my life into the future. Today I believe and will always be Your follower and a new creation as You start changing my life. This I openly pray from the depths of my heart, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, who is my Lord God and Saviour, Amen.”  Enjoy your new journey ahead. I ask you once more…

Do You Believe? I did and still do. If you need counselling or want to know more about Jesus Christ and this free gift of salvation, please feel free to contact me via my email as follows – nelson.canha@gmail.com … May the Lord keep you, may His face shine upon you and may you be blessed forever. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your words, they really touched my soul, God's faithfulness to us is impressive, just as
    Super Agente 86 to his agencies is that and much more.
