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Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Are You Still In Prison?

Just the other night I decided to watch a series that my daughter had on an external hard disk drive. I watched three episodes and called it a night. Super heroes have a great life don’t they? They are free to do what they wish. They are powerful and fast. They don’t live enclosed in small rooms or hide in their homes so that know one finds them. No. They live lives of freedom and are visible to everyone – they are heroes and followed by many. Let’s read Galatians 5:1; “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Wow! Do you understand this verse well? Do you see where you should be in life? Are you living a truly free life today? If you have been set free by our Saviour God, then why are you still living in sin [Romans 6:2]? Slavery to sin and a life outside God’s gift of freedom is not the way to go forward.

Jesus set us free by His death on the cross of Calvary. He took upon Himself the sins of the world… and set us free. He offered us a free gift of salvation; no more slavery or chains keeping us anchored to a life without joy, peace and love. Not the world’s offerings that look like these, but the real deal. We don’t have to live like prisoners in a prison. We have been set free! Stop living like prisoners then. Stop acting like prisoners, allowing chains of life to keep us hooked to sin and the things that are wrong in life. Men live like prisoners, even Christian men. Here are a few prisons that keep us living the wrong lifestyles – pornography, gay lifestyles, alcohol, drugs, fornication, and many more. Be released from these prisons today! You are set free by Jesus’ gift of salvation. Don’t live like prisoners of this world. The father of lies rules in this world; he is known as Satan, that sly devil.

Stop acting like prisoners! Get rid of those prisoner beliefs and ways. How do you start? Stop living lives behind masks, a make believe lifestyle. Start living lives that everyone can truly see, lives free from any yokes, any sin and any falseness. What’s holding you down? What’s holding you back? What is chaining you to disaster and sin? Turn to God and start praying. Accept Jesus Christ into your life today. Believe and accept Him and allow Him to become your King. Rather become a slave to freedom and victory. Pray and reflect on your life right now. What is keeping you living a prisoner’s life? Be set free today! Jesus can do it for you. He is the way, the truth and the life. Turn away from the life of darkness, enclosed in a prison of life. You are free like the heroes of the comics, like the heroes of the Bible. Only God can set you free, and He has done so already – through Jesus Christ the only begotten Son. Enjoy the free life ahead! It’s unreal. Ask me…

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