Let’s start by ridding ourselves of things that are actually
cluttering our lives, drawing us away from the real most valuable thing of all;
Christ in us and what He has done for us. Let’s start appreciating our Lord and
Saviour and what He values as most important for us. Only then will we start
seeing life differently. Our possessions, even our marriages [unless blessed by
Him], and our businesses become second best and God first, which is how it
should be. As I have stated in a previous post, my priorities are God first,
family second and my business third, and the rest falls behind all these. What
did Jesus do for us? He came and lived among us for thirty two years for one
purpose only. To save us from our sinful lives, which leads to a spiritual
death; and hell thereafter. Still, we have a choice. He does not twist our arms
and force it upon us.
Jesus offered us a route to salvation through the cross on
Calvary, a redemption gift for those who turn to Him and allow Him to become
their King and Ruler. I did that in 1997 and my walk has been ever growing,
even when I fell and He picked me up again as written in one of my previous
posts. What is really valuable in your life right now? Only you can make that
decision, whether it is God or the world. Remember only this though. God is
eternal and this world is a material thing that will end one day. We have been
offered a new life today which will take us into an eternal life with Him which
never ends. Oh, and don’t forget that hell is eternal as well, which leads to an
everlasting life of pain, suffering and gnashing of teeth. The choice is yours
to make. You decide! Enjoy…
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