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Thursday, 31 August 2017

Let Us Pray For Texas!

Brothers in Christ,

Let is stand together with "clasped" hands worldwide and pray for Texas, USA, after hurricane Harvey caused such destruction and loss of life, especially around the Houston regions. May God's peace, that inner peace be present amongst all those affected, and may His strength be with those who lost loved ones.

"Father God. I pray that You are in that region of Texas right now, from the day of destruction until healing has taken place in peoples' lives in the future. I pray that You embrace them with your loving arms and keep them under your wings. You are the God who will never leave them and You will uplift them back to a great state and region better than before.. This I pray in Jesus' mighty name, Amen."

"Father God. I pray for your guidance and strength upon all those who have rendered their services and bodies to help in those regions where hurricane Harvey has caused chaos, destruction, and loss of life. May all those brave men and women be safe in your arms during this time while they are their being our "worldly heroes", but that your Name be praised from all their lips forever. In Jesus' healing and powerful name I pray, Amen!"

Take these prayers and distribute them worldwide, especially to folks in the USA. Be blessed forever. Amen...

God Offers Everything

Can you remember how your parents would do everything for you when you were a small child? As you grew up from infant to a toddler, then to a school going child, your parents fed you, dressed you, looked after you and purchased everything you needed, even to the day you started working and earning for yourself. They would heal your wounds, lift you up when you felt that your life was failing you, or you failed to perform at some sports event, they would fed you and kept you clothed, even to a point with the latest fashions, etc. We, who were parents or are parents of small children or house bound children, do the same for them as well.

Just think how much our loving Father and God does for us. He can do even much more than our parents can or could do for us. Reading Psalm 146:8 reminded me who my loving God was and what He is capable of doing, more than I can even imagine. It says the following; “the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.” Wow, can you just meditate upon this verse. Can you truly understand how much more God is and what He is capable of, far beyond our wildest dreams?

The God we serve is all powerful, all seeing, all knowing – He is the only and wonderful ultimate true God! Who else can offer you everything you can set your mind on as He can? I don’t think that there is someone capable or as powerful as the God we serve and believe in. Yes, Satan has “power” to offer many such things too, but they are false and lead to “death” and a road away from God and true Creator. Therefore, when you seek God and ask for something, do it in Jesus’ mighty and saving name, the name above all names, and this will open up heavens doors and our true God will offer you anything as long as it is within His will for our lives. Be blessed and await what He has to offer you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Take Courage, I'm Here!

Can you remember as a child how there were times when you were scared or frightened because something happened? Maybe a dog ran out of a yard while you were riding your bicycle, maybe you fell while playing and cut your knee or arm open. You start crying because of what happened but that turns to comfort when you hear your mother or father’s voice saying “don’t worry I’m here.” You feel safe again and feel that nothing will happen to you. It may happen in your adult life, maybe your business is in turmoil, and maybe your spouse is leaving you or messing around with someone else. Then a friend comes to the rescue and supports you, saying “don’t worry I’m here.”

Let’s look at God and how He supports us. When we feel like everything is falling apart, maybe we are “sinking” into life’s dangerous “hole”, then we hear His voice calling out to us. Matthew 14:27 tells us exactly how God reacts, or for that matter, our Saviour God. It says this; “But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Here they, the disciples who were on board a boat, thought they were seeing a ghost, and fear overcame them. Was this their last day on earth? Can you imagine what was going through their minds at the time, seeing something or someone coming towards them, but walking on the water? Then Jesus called out to them and told them it was Him coming towards them.

Suddenly they felt secure, safe and happy it was Someone they knew well, Someone who could truly protect them and fear disappeared. In life, many things happen which brings fear into our lives or makes us feel weak and worthless. All you need to do is “look and listen”. Look towards where God is beside you and in you, and listen to His voice, for He is saying that you mustn’t be afraid for He is with you always. When times seem tough and you are being “attacked” by the things of this world, or people for that matter, listen and hear God saying to you, “Take courage for I’m here!” Walk courageously and don’t fear this world and those living in its ways, for God is with you always – Emmanuel, God with us. Enjoy the ride into the future. Amen!

Friday, 18 August 2017

Not Fitting In?

How many times has it happened to you? You attend some function or a party because you were invited by someone you know, only to realise later that you don’t fit in with the crowd attending the same function or party. You are not feeling “at home” around the people there. You may stay for a while, smile and chat idly with folks you meet while there, but in your mind you want to leave. And you may leave much earlier than most because you have had enough of feeling awkward. On the other hand, being a Christian who lives by the faith you have followed and believed, being a Christ follower, you may have to do something different while attending that function or party.

You may have to stand out and look different. Folks there may be able to see that something is different about you, something makes you stand out. Maybe God wants you to be there to “promote” and glorify Him and speak about the Gospel of Jesus to those who are not believers. Sometimes just being you and being different may attract someone to start asking questions, seeing that you “stand out” above this crowd. Again, the opposite may be happening. Maybe you want to be “in” with this crowd of people, maybe more liked, more approved by them, more “popular”, etc. God doesn’t care about such things. Whether you have 3,000 Facebook followers, or Twitter followers and 10,000 Likes, this does not affect what God thinks of you. He wants you to be the person He has made you to be; His follower and a true believer. You must first please Him and not the world at large.

God has called us to be different, to “stand out” from the crowd, even if it means to be criticized or ridiculed at. We must be “that city on the hilltop” [Matthew 5:14] and shine His light through us over our world. We must stand tall and press on. He must be the One who stands out through us and the way we live and are; our characters being formed as Jesus’ characters, the way we live and act and speak. Romans 12: 2 says it very clearly how we should live. It says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” You must not feel like you don’t “fit in” in this world at all, you must live by being the true follower of Jesus Christ, standing out above the rest and showing your true colours so that God is glorified. Be blessed!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Time Is Money

To all who live on this earth, money means everything. Yes, without it we can't have food, clothes, transport, a roof over our heads and much more. The saying goes that "time is money" and this applies to people who are busy. Time wasted for businesses is money. But money is not everything in life. Time is a gift from God.

If you waste time you waste money. Is it truly that simple? Yes, we have to work. The Bible states the following; "You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow." A man that only works all his life is called a fool! Many folks work from as early as 5am to 6am and only get home after 7pm to 8pm, at times even later. Their lives are dedicated to their work and most time is spent there.

Building bigger places and storing great wealth is foolishness. What is the real truth here? What can we learn from this word TIME? Let me explain even further. The truth is, not one of us can say or knows how much time we have left on this earth. And again, truth be said, we cannot purchase time. Time is not FOR SALE! It is a gift given to us from God. Then how do you use it? How do you spend your time, what schedule goes with it?

You have the choice how to use the time allocated to you on this earth. We have to work, we have to sweat for it. The Bible condemns laziness. God, family, friends, extra-mural activities and work takes up our time; maybe not all mentioned here is even slotted into your time schedules. Stop and think about your priorities. How much time do you have? No one knows! Only God does. Why not start today, with God's help, and start looking and listening. Maybe it's time to make some changes to your life. maybe you should re-task time and what you use it for, that God-given gift.

Look around you. Learn from the failures of others. Why lose your soul when you try to gain the world and any wealth you can lay your hands on? You may even lose your family because of this - many have, sometimes once, sometimes twice, sometimes always. It becomes a game in their lives and it becomes all about me and the I in my life. Is it really worth it? Is it worth it to waste that gift of time chasing what you'll never be able to keep forever?

Why not be still and listen to God's still little voice as He guides you into a life full of real meaning and true happiness. Let Him work out exactly how to use the time He has gifted you with. Our Lord Jesus Christ lived a full and meaningful life while He was amongst us humans. Yet, He still made time for His heavenly Father. He always "disappeared" and went to a quiet spot or place and spend hours before God the Father. Why not allow His Spirit to guide you and make changes in your life where TIME becomes a blessing and not just abused.

When the time comes and you are about to die, what is your greatest regret going to be? Go and think about this - food for thought. Meditate on this post I wrote here and you decide what to do next. Be blessed and please don't waste God's given gift. Amen!

Friday, 4 August 2017

My eBooks at Barnes & Noble and Other

Hi Folks,

My eBooks are available via Smashwords, Barnes & Noble [nook book only], Kobo, Scribd and a few other online stores/libraries, etc. They are well priced and great reads, especially the non fiction ones, various teachings/guides for your Christian walk.

Salvation Is The Life & Living In Victory selling @ $0,99 ...
The Good News selling @ $1,99 ...
The Hunter [the only one that is a fictional story/novel] selling @ $3,99

Available links I have for now... These link up to my profiles or search pages where all the eBooks are shown/visible to review or purchase. in Smashwords in various formats. B&N in nook book only.


Wednesday, 2 August 2017

False Teachings

During my later years when I started thinking about resigning my job and going it alone I did a lot of research to see if I was capable of going it alone; entrepreneurship was my next step, maybe. Today I run my own business in the security industry and much more. I provide products and services to secure premises, whether homes or business buildings or plots and farms perimeters, etc. I also provide services in the building renovations industry. How did I prepare myself? I started by researching these areas of interest.

I started reading books about business, start-ups, self-employment, etc. I then read about laws, taxes, and much more. Unfortunately, many books or resources I read or used were just money-making scams, written by people “bragging” about their expensive cars and big homes, and actually some of them had nothing. Yes, I nearly failed early on my new journey. I did fail a few years later though, but all due to a fraudulent partner; and I lost everything – homes, cars, etc. I didn’t stop there and curled up into a corner to wait for “death”. Know, I turned to God for help [I was a born again Christian when I lost everything]. I learned a great lesson from this. In the business world we get false “teachers” and we get real teacher. I met someone who became a great mentor to me and guided me back on to my feet, and now I run a small successful business, although the economy is affecting it at the moment, I’m still living and growing slowly.

Reading through Titus taught me something. Paul spoke about false teachers and the truth. In our Christian walk we too should be wary of false teachers, those who mislead you away from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many out there, believe you me. Titus 1:10-16 offers us guidance on how to distinguish between false teachers and the truth. Titus 1:11 states the following’ “And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.” Paul was led by God and was taught by God about the real Gospel of Jesus. But what must we do to avoid falsehood? We must recognize false teachings/teachers. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in “discerning” falsehood amongst Christians. Secondly, look at the character/s of these teachings/teachers. Are they insubordinates, empty talkers, deceivers, etc.? Once again, allow God’s Spirit to lead you here. Pray and ask for this type of discernment.

Next, you must stand firm in your faith and beliefs. Jesus Christ must be at the centre of it all. If not, then you are being misled. Look at the so-called Jehovah Witnesses [or known as the Watch Tower society]. They believe that they cannot have blood transfusions because “their” blood is holy. Total nonsense! Only Jesus’ blood was holy and He spilled it on the cross for our salvation, for victory over darkness. He alone is fully holy, and His blood is holy. Our blood is just what it is called, blood. Therefore rebuke false teachings/teachers and lead them to Christ and the real salvation. There are many such “churches/denominations” around the world with false teachings, especially New Age types. Look at the Church of Scientology. Once again twisted away from the truth of the real Gospel. Titus 1:13, once again what Paul stated, says the following – “What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.” There you have it! Jesus Christ must be right in the middle of those teachings else they are all false as are those teaching such things.

Lastly, you must resist such teachings or they may sway you away from the truth of the true Gospel teachings; all about Jesus Christ our Messiah, Saviour, Lord and God. Stand firm and find a true Gospel believing and teaching church and live for Christ alone at all times. He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. There is none other who can be above and more than Him. He is our true Saviour God. Amen.