To all who live on this earth, money means everything. Yes, without it we can't have food, clothes, transport, a roof over our heads and much more. The saying goes that "time is money" and this applies to people who are busy. Time wasted for businesses is money. But money is not everything in life. Time is a gift from God.
If you waste time you waste money. Is it truly that simple? Yes, we have to work. The Bible states the following; "You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow." A man that only works all his life is called a fool! Many folks work from as early as 5am to 6am and only get home after 7pm to 8pm, at times even later. Their lives are dedicated to their work and most time is spent there.
Building bigger places and storing great wealth is foolishness. What is the real truth here? What can we learn from this word TIME? Let me explain even further. The truth is, not one of us can say or knows how much time we have left on this earth. And again, truth be said, we cannot purchase time. Time is not FOR SALE! It is a gift given to us from God. Then how do you use it? How do you spend your time, what schedule goes with it?
You have the choice how to use the time allocated to you on this earth. We have to work, we have to sweat for it. The Bible condemns laziness. God, family, friends, extra-mural activities and work takes up our time; maybe not all mentioned here is even slotted into your time schedules. Stop and think about your priorities. How much time do you have? No one knows! Only God does. Why not start today, with God's help, and start looking and listening. Maybe it's time to make some changes to your life. maybe you should re-task time and what you use it for, that God-given gift.
Look around you. Learn from the failures of others. Why lose your soul when you try to gain the world and any wealth you can lay your hands on? You may even lose your family because of this - many have, sometimes once, sometimes twice, sometimes always. It becomes a game in their lives and it becomes all about me and the I in my life. Is it really worth it? Is it worth it to waste that gift of time chasing what you'll never be able to keep forever?
Why not be still and listen to God's still little voice as He guides you into a life full of real meaning and true happiness. Let Him work out exactly how to use the time He has gifted you with. Our Lord Jesus Christ lived a full and meaningful life while He was amongst us humans. Yet, He still made time for His heavenly Father. He always "disappeared" and went to a quiet spot or place and spend hours before God the Father. Why not allow His Spirit to guide you and make changes in your life where TIME becomes a blessing and not just abused.
When the time comes and you are about to die, what is your greatest regret going to be? Go and think about this - food for thought. Meditate on this post I wrote here and you decide what to do next. Be blessed and please don't waste God's given gift. Amen!
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