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Thursday, 31 August 2017

God Offers Everything

Can you remember how your parents would do everything for you when you were a small child? As you grew up from infant to a toddler, then to a school going child, your parents fed you, dressed you, looked after you and purchased everything you needed, even to the day you started working and earning for yourself. They would heal your wounds, lift you up when you felt that your life was failing you, or you failed to perform at some sports event, they would fed you and kept you clothed, even to a point with the latest fashions, etc. We, who were parents or are parents of small children or house bound children, do the same for them as well.

Just think how much our loving Father and God does for us. He can do even much more than our parents can or could do for us. Reading Psalm 146:8 reminded me who my loving God was and what He is capable of doing, more than I can even imagine. It says the following; “the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.” Wow, can you just meditate upon this verse. Can you truly understand how much more God is and what He is capable of, far beyond our wildest dreams?

The God we serve is all powerful, all seeing, all knowing – He is the only and wonderful ultimate true God! Who else can offer you everything you can set your mind on as He can? I don’t think that there is someone capable or as powerful as the God we serve and believe in. Yes, Satan has “power” to offer many such things too, but they are false and lead to “death” and a road away from God and true Creator. Therefore, when you seek God and ask for something, do it in Jesus’ mighty and saving name, the name above all names, and this will open up heavens doors and our true God will offer you anything as long as it is within His will for our lives. Be blessed and await what He has to offer you. Enjoy!

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