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Wednesday, 2 August 2017

False Teachings

During my later years when I started thinking about resigning my job and going it alone I did a lot of research to see if I was capable of going it alone; entrepreneurship was my next step, maybe. Today I run my own business in the security industry and much more. I provide products and services to secure premises, whether homes or business buildings or plots and farms perimeters, etc. I also provide services in the building renovations industry. How did I prepare myself? I started by researching these areas of interest.

I started reading books about business, start-ups, self-employment, etc. I then read about laws, taxes, and much more. Unfortunately, many books or resources I read or used were just money-making scams, written by people “bragging” about their expensive cars and big homes, and actually some of them had nothing. Yes, I nearly failed early on my new journey. I did fail a few years later though, but all due to a fraudulent partner; and I lost everything – homes, cars, etc. I didn’t stop there and curled up into a corner to wait for “death”. Know, I turned to God for help [I was a born again Christian when I lost everything]. I learned a great lesson from this. In the business world we get false “teachers” and we get real teacher. I met someone who became a great mentor to me and guided me back on to my feet, and now I run a small successful business, although the economy is affecting it at the moment, I’m still living and growing slowly.

Reading through Titus taught me something. Paul spoke about false teachers and the truth. In our Christian walk we too should be wary of false teachers, those who mislead you away from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many out there, believe you me. Titus 1:10-16 offers us guidance on how to distinguish between false teachers and the truth. Titus 1:11 states the following’ “And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.” Paul was led by God and was taught by God about the real Gospel of Jesus. But what must we do to avoid falsehood? We must recognize false teachings/teachers. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in “discerning” falsehood amongst Christians. Secondly, look at the character/s of these teachings/teachers. Are they insubordinates, empty talkers, deceivers, etc.? Once again, allow God’s Spirit to lead you here. Pray and ask for this type of discernment.

Next, you must stand firm in your faith and beliefs. Jesus Christ must be at the centre of it all. If not, then you are being misled. Look at the so-called Jehovah Witnesses [or known as the Watch Tower society]. They believe that they cannot have blood transfusions because “their” blood is holy. Total nonsense! Only Jesus’ blood was holy and He spilled it on the cross for our salvation, for victory over darkness. He alone is fully holy, and His blood is holy. Our blood is just what it is called, blood. Therefore rebuke false teachings/teachers and lead them to Christ and the real salvation. There are many such “churches/denominations” around the world with false teachings, especially New Age types. Look at the Church of Scientology. Once again twisted away from the truth of the real Gospel. Titus 1:13, once again what Paul stated, says the following – “What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.” There you have it! Jesus Christ must be right in the middle of those teachings else they are all false as are those teaching such things.

Lastly, you must resist such teachings or they may sway you away from the truth of the true Gospel teachings; all about Jesus Christ our Messiah, Saviour, Lord and God. Stand firm and find a true Gospel believing and teaching church and live for Christ alone at all times. He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. There is none other who can be above and more than Him. He is our true Saviour God. Amen.

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