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Thursday, 14 December 2017

Small Or Big?

Men, when they have decided to take something on, they just "go big" or nothing at all. It's just who we are. When we plan a project, start a business, or something that is worth it, we want to go big from the word go. We think about something and decide to do it, we decide to "really" do it. This happens in God's work too. We want to go big from the beginning. But what if it catches us out? Maybe it tends to lean towards disaster than success?

God calls us to love and serve others. We then go all out and do it big. Galatians 6:10 tells us this; "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone..." ... Yes, we are called to love and serve those around us - our neighbours, our church members, people in our cities and towns. In Matthew 10:40-42 [The Message translation], it says the following - “This is a large work I’ve called you into, but don’t be overwhelmed by it. It’s best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice”

God tells us to rather start small and not just go big right away. But why do we disagree with that in our hearts? As men we don't like small. Big is good. Maybe it is that we want some glory for ourselves and rather go big. I say we start small and give all the glory to God first. Its all about Him isn't it? We must trust His words and trust that God the Holy Spirit can do amazing things within even our smallest, most ordinary acts of love and service. And that’s plenty big for any of us.  Therefore, find someone around you that you can "serve and love" as God does for us. Start small... Be blessed!

Saturday, 9 December 2017

An Update

I must just mention here that in two weeks I'm on holiday and this blog will stop with new postings until 2018, January, after I return from a good break. I haven't posted much lately as my business has kept me busy with long hours at the grinding wheel. It's the "silly season" period again. There will be some posts still coming before I'm "off the air" until the new year. Watch this space!

Don't Lie!

Men love to twist things to suit their ways. And at best we even lie to ourselves so that everything looks cool, or maybe it let's us feel better. This is wrong! Lies land up deceiving us and this leads to an eternal death; a spiritual death and far from God. Here are some lies we tell ourselves and believe.

1] I'm always ok - why do we believe this? When trials hit home or our marriages are in a turmoil, or our finances don't look so good, we still believe the lie saying that we are ok. You are heading for disaster. We believe because when we start delving into these areas more closely we don't want to see what is not ok. We may discover that we need some repairing internally.

Jeremiah 17:9 states the following, and this is so true... "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" This is the NIV translation. Our own hearts can deceive us too. When our human nature takes charge [the flesh], we are heading for trouble. Only God understands everything. We are limited in comparison to God. Next ...

2] We try and hide things so that no one discovers our flaws, our problems. Pride takes charge here. In the Bible it says clearly that everything that is hidden will be revealed sooner or later. Nothing remains hidden. So why believe this lie? You start believing that no one will find out. Wrong! It will come out in the future. God knows.

3] I'm made this way - What a lot of bull dust. I was one who believed this lie years back before God spoke to me and corrected my heart. We are not "just made like that" at all. God created us long before we were in our mothers' wombs. He knew us from the beginning, even before birth. He already knew our failures, our good points and where we would be in the future. Don't believe this lie! Eternal damnation is not worth it.

Pray and ask God to make you the man, the warrior He wants you to be, that your faith will remain intact and your spirit will be open to the Holy Spirit's prompting. God is listening and He wants to help us; you and me. Start today! Be blessed.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Prayer Request

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Let's pray for Zimbabwe due to the coupe which has taken place there, tumbling this country into chaos right now. Pray that God's hand is over all the decisions that are being made, that those who have taken over the country by force will keep the peace and that the citizens will seek God for the answers that will bring stability and peace and wealth back into Zimbabwe.

God is over all the governments world wide and He is in control. I pray for our brothers and sisters in that country to bring forth the Gospel of Jesus in this time, that many will turn to Him and seek Him above all else. Amen...

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Life-Changing Ideas About Bible Study

As men we tend to skip days of Bible reading and studying, but we won't skip our rugby, soccer or formula one on TV when it takes place. This is a priority for us men. We don't skip our work or meetings with clients or in-house at our companies. Then why skip Bible studies when that is the best ever method of staying on top of everything else because God is in control? Let's look at one or two ideas that can change your life about Bible studies.

1] Change the subject of your study - very little is spoken about this, if any at all. We tend to see the Bible as the means to an end. It's not! The Bible brings us closer to God and through it we get to know the true God we serve. It needs to be read, meditated upon, studied in some detail that we actually find ourselves in some of the "stories" written or parables spoken of, or what the Apostles taught us. Never let it be boring. Enjoy it and have fun with it. Your life gets changed.

2] Look at it like looking at a movie - the Bible has great battle scenes in it, plenty of drama, and even verses/teachings that make it feel like a reality show. Don't just read it like an ordinary book. Let it come alive in you. Get yourself sucked in to what it is saying to you. It is, once again, a life changing experience.

3] Pray about the steps that follow, or that lead you in a certain direction. Prayer is the "hotline" to our loving Father God. When we pray God reveals to us many mysteries in the Bible, and these become new revelations for you. Prayer allows the Holy Spirit to implant the Word of God in your mind, through your heart, and into your soul. Don't ignore prayer. When the verses/Scriptures start to lead you, pray about it, then allow God's Spirit to guide you forward. Again, this changes lives.

Be blessed and enjoy the ride. Study/read/meditate upon it, but enjoy the Bible! Amen...

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

A Prayer Request For South African Farmers

As many of you may or may not know, we had country wide demonstrations due to our farmers being attacked or murder, with at least three cases in the past week alone.

We had a "Black Monday" initiative organized by AgriForum and even countries like USA, Australia, New Zealand, and a few others demonstrated with us or supported this drive of "Enough Is Enough" because of the farm murders taking place across our country.

I ask that you keep our farmers and farm workers in your prayers for the rest of this week, that God will intervene in this situation. Thanking you all... Amen!

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Serve Him

If God doesn't need anything from us, then why does He command us to serve Him? In life, no matter where you are, whether at work, at home or busy with something else, you are serving in one way or another. It could be serving people at the office, maybe serving people with your services, or making food at home - serving. Serving comes in many ways and forms.

But what about God? When we read through the New testament we see that Jesus did not come to be served, but He came to serve us, His people. He served in many ways, and the main serving he did for us was to pay for our sins on the cross. He doesn't need our work, nor does He need our money. He doesn't need our worship or praises to bolster His self-esteem.

Let's see what the bible says -
"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." (Acts 17:24-25)

He gives us everything as it is. He is God! Then why serve Him? We do it firstly for His glory. He commands us to serve [and to praise/worship Him] for our joy. It becomes an act of joyfulness when serving Him. Psalm 100:2 says we should serve the Lord with gladness. Yes, with a cheerful heart we should obey His commands. He already gives us all for free. Enjoy!

Monday, 16 October 2017

Are You Tuned Up?

Most men say they are tuned for their every day lives, whether it is at the office, at home with family and/or relatives, or during sports; whatever it is they do in their lives. Men are always ready for everything. But are they really? I have discovered that there are times in my life where something unprepared pops up and catches me off guards.

But one thing is for sure. We must always be tuned up with God. How do we know if we are tuned up with God at all times? That's a god question...

Firstly, it is fellowship with our loving God. Without spending time with Him we can lose track of our lives and where it is taking us. Staying tuned with God our Father allows us to be directed to where He wants us, and if obstacles cross our paths, we are tuned up to take action because He has prepared us. Secondly, Secondly, to prepare yourself for some tune up time, set aside a still time [our quiet time] before God. Allow His Spirit to speak to us, to guide and lead us, to prepare us, to tune us up.

Thirdly, place God first above all else. Give Him all the honour, praise and glory. By doing this you are getting tuned up. Become humble before Him and allow His might to walk with you daily. Allow Him to be the God He is meant to be. Fourth, Now accept and value your place in Christ Jesus. Allow His wisdom, power and love to take you on the future journey ahead. He is our King of kings, Lord of lords and our loving Saviour.

Once again, I offer the best verse in the Bible which represents His unfathomed love for us - John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Therefore, allow God to perform the tuning needed in your life starting today. Be blessed always!

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Coming Soon !!

Watch this space gents!!!

I'm going to post details here soon which allows you to purchase my eBooks directly
from me, either via PayPal payments [international folks] and via EFT direct for all
South African folks...

Pricing will be in $Dollars and Rrands for all books [eBooks], and will be listed here.

See you soon...

Monday, 2 October 2017

Prayer For Las Vegas Killings

Hi Brothers,

Please let's stand together for those who lost their lives in Vegas after the mayhem shooting, and for the loved ones who remained behind. Pray for God's strength and His love and peace to be with them all during this time of pain and hurting.


Book Specials

Hi to one and all,

I'm currently running eBook specials until 15th October for my non-fiction books, Salvation Is The Life and Living In Victory, plus my novel, a fiction story of hope and a new life, The Hunter is on special until 31st October. These specials running only at Smashwords...

Here is my author profile link which also shows all my books. The Hunter has received 3 to 4 star reviews at other sources/websites and is worth the reading. Another book, The Good News, is not on special but is a 5 star reviewed book and a great inspirational read for believers and all Christians, as well as for non-Christians alike [as per one reviewer].


Come and support me as an author and Christian writer... Be blessed!

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

My FB pages and Other Blog page

And again, I'm offering you to connect with me in any way you see fit. Brothers, whether it is just spreading the good news or living out a Christ-like life, here are some links to pages you may wish to connect with me.

1] My Facebook pages --

https://www.facebook.com/nelsoncanha/ - my personal page.
https://www.facebook.com/ezekielministry/ - a "ministry" FB page.
https://www.facebook.com/authorncanha/ - my author page [eBooks, articles, reviews, etc.

2] My Blogs --

Firstly, this one you are reading here ... https://menofpowerministry.blogspot.co.za/
https://nelsontheauthor.blogspot.co.za/ - My Nelson The Author blog.

Why don't you link up with me and let's get chatting... I'm sure you will enjoy my articles, book reviews, my own eBooks on sale [cheap too], and my Christian stuff I place online, and finally get to know me in my personal FB page.

I'm waiting for you. Enjoy!


From the youngest years I can remember back to, after understanding that I have parents and they ruled my young life, there were rules in place; standards by which we lived - my brother, my sister, and I. But as we grew older that started to change. Why always be obedient when we can now control our own lives? Let me offer you a very quick story about myself. I was not saved yet and lived in the web of sin in the worldly ways.

My life was night clubs, discos and fun; which included plenty of booze and definitely hot women. That's what I loved, after hours though as day time was consumed by studies [before qualifying], then later working to earn my own living. I remember that my parents always told me to control my lifestyle, not to drink heavily [which I did] and fool around until the wee hours of the mornings, mainly weekends but some week nights it happened too. I arrived home reasonably intoxicated one night, some time around 1am.

What did I do? I drove my car up on to the entrance balcony [which was only a few centimetres higher than the lawn and parked between my mom's flower pot stands near the front door, and opposite the other entrance directly into the kitchen. I was so drunk I sat on the bonnet and knocked on the door as I could just not aim straight and was unable to place my key in the lock. And who opened up? My dad of course! He was angry firstly for waking them up, and secondly because was car was not parked where it should be [on the other side of the house next to the garage].

He asked me to remove my car and I plainly refused. he asked me three times and the answer remained the same. He grabbed the keys and removed it himself. I was not happy at all. What happened next? He hit me with an upper cut to the jaw which send me flying over a small wall and I landed flat on my back on the lawn. Why did this happen? I was disobedient, and a cheeky 19 year old party "animal". I was never angry with him because of that and realized later in weeks to come that he did what I deserved. Take on a man and get a hiding like a man.

What about God and our lives? What happens if you disobey Him after He has shown you how to live a life that pleases Him? He will punish you, not avenge you, not kill you, but will take the "spiritual rod" and sort you out. Disobedience is, to me that is, like sinning against God; like the Israelites who rebelled against Him so often as we have read throughout the Bible.

Here is what is said in 1 Samuel 15:22, "Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams." This touched me deeply, at least knowing that many years later I'm saved and believe. Obedience honours God all the time. When we submit to Him and are obedient to what He wants from us, this leads to open doors of blessing. Men! If life before Jesus was like mine, and maybe now drifting to anything worldly, don't! God will not be honoured if you call yourself His child. Obey Him and follow Jesus. Allow God's Spirit to lead you, teach you, and guide you to where God wants you.

Surrender and give every area of your life to Him. This honours Him and definitely pleases Him. Disobedience will bring His wrath upon you. As a father sorts out his child so does our Father sort us out. Therefore, be obedient at all times and allow Him to lead you on a great journey into the future. Amen.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Are You Qualified?

To get somewhere in life we need qualifications; whether engineer, medical doctor, a nurse, financial director, etc. Without any qualifications you become a storeman, a street sweeper, a shelf "filler", and may never see promotion or something greater.

God said something to us which hit me between the eyes. Not everything you want to do needs qualifications. In the Word of God it tells us that we do not have to be qualified to preach the gospel or tell people about salvation through Jesus Christ. God qualifies us! He does not seek the qualified but qualifies the called.

I realised a few years back that I was not qualified to write books on teachings on certain subjects, but I did it any case. God qualified me as my eBooks speak the truth and are all about Jesus Christ. My latest eBook, The Good News, received 5 star status and good reviews, even good criticism on the subject I wrote about. One reviewer said it was a great read for Christians as well as non Christians.

I was not qualified for this. I'm not a Theologian, a minister in a church. No, I'm a believer in Jesus and a small business owner. God led the way and I just wrote. He did the qualifying. Therefore, don't always feel you are not qualified for something, especially when it comes to glorifying our King of kings and Lord of all lords. Enjoy your future! Amen...

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Let Us Pray For Texas!

Brothers in Christ,

Let is stand together with "clasped" hands worldwide and pray for Texas, USA, after hurricane Harvey caused such destruction and loss of life, especially around the Houston regions. May God's peace, that inner peace be present amongst all those affected, and may His strength be with those who lost loved ones.

"Father God. I pray that You are in that region of Texas right now, from the day of destruction until healing has taken place in peoples' lives in the future. I pray that You embrace them with your loving arms and keep them under your wings. You are the God who will never leave them and You will uplift them back to a great state and region better than before.. This I pray in Jesus' mighty name, Amen."

"Father God. I pray for your guidance and strength upon all those who have rendered their services and bodies to help in those regions where hurricane Harvey has caused chaos, destruction, and loss of life. May all those brave men and women be safe in your arms during this time while they are their being our "worldly heroes", but that your Name be praised from all their lips forever. In Jesus' healing and powerful name I pray, Amen!"

Take these prayers and distribute them worldwide, especially to folks in the USA. Be blessed forever. Amen...

God Offers Everything

Can you remember how your parents would do everything for you when you were a small child? As you grew up from infant to a toddler, then to a school going child, your parents fed you, dressed you, looked after you and purchased everything you needed, even to the day you started working and earning for yourself. They would heal your wounds, lift you up when you felt that your life was failing you, or you failed to perform at some sports event, they would fed you and kept you clothed, even to a point with the latest fashions, etc. We, who were parents or are parents of small children or house bound children, do the same for them as well.

Just think how much our loving Father and God does for us. He can do even much more than our parents can or could do for us. Reading Psalm 146:8 reminded me who my loving God was and what He is capable of doing, more than I can even imagine. It says the following; “the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.” Wow, can you just meditate upon this verse. Can you truly understand how much more God is and what He is capable of, far beyond our wildest dreams?

The God we serve is all powerful, all seeing, all knowing – He is the only and wonderful ultimate true God! Who else can offer you everything you can set your mind on as He can? I don’t think that there is someone capable or as powerful as the God we serve and believe in. Yes, Satan has “power” to offer many such things too, but they are false and lead to “death” and a road away from God and true Creator. Therefore, when you seek God and ask for something, do it in Jesus’ mighty and saving name, the name above all names, and this will open up heavens doors and our true God will offer you anything as long as it is within His will for our lives. Be blessed and await what He has to offer you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Take Courage, I'm Here!

Can you remember as a child how there were times when you were scared or frightened because something happened? Maybe a dog ran out of a yard while you were riding your bicycle, maybe you fell while playing and cut your knee or arm open. You start crying because of what happened but that turns to comfort when you hear your mother or father’s voice saying “don’t worry I’m here.” You feel safe again and feel that nothing will happen to you. It may happen in your adult life, maybe your business is in turmoil, and maybe your spouse is leaving you or messing around with someone else. Then a friend comes to the rescue and supports you, saying “don’t worry I’m here.”

Let’s look at God and how He supports us. When we feel like everything is falling apart, maybe we are “sinking” into life’s dangerous “hole”, then we hear His voice calling out to us. Matthew 14:27 tells us exactly how God reacts, or for that matter, our Saviour God. It says this; “But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Here they, the disciples who were on board a boat, thought they were seeing a ghost, and fear overcame them. Was this their last day on earth? Can you imagine what was going through their minds at the time, seeing something or someone coming towards them, but walking on the water? Then Jesus called out to them and told them it was Him coming towards them.

Suddenly they felt secure, safe and happy it was Someone they knew well, Someone who could truly protect them and fear disappeared. In life, many things happen which brings fear into our lives or makes us feel weak and worthless. All you need to do is “look and listen”. Look towards where God is beside you and in you, and listen to His voice, for He is saying that you mustn’t be afraid for He is with you always. When times seem tough and you are being “attacked” by the things of this world, or people for that matter, listen and hear God saying to you, “Take courage for I’m here!” Walk courageously and don’t fear this world and those living in its ways, for God is with you always – Emmanuel, God with us. Enjoy the ride into the future. Amen!

Friday, 18 August 2017

Not Fitting In?

How many times has it happened to you? You attend some function or a party because you were invited by someone you know, only to realise later that you don’t fit in with the crowd attending the same function or party. You are not feeling “at home” around the people there. You may stay for a while, smile and chat idly with folks you meet while there, but in your mind you want to leave. And you may leave much earlier than most because you have had enough of feeling awkward. On the other hand, being a Christian who lives by the faith you have followed and believed, being a Christ follower, you may have to do something different while attending that function or party.

You may have to stand out and look different. Folks there may be able to see that something is different about you, something makes you stand out. Maybe God wants you to be there to “promote” and glorify Him and speak about the Gospel of Jesus to those who are not believers. Sometimes just being you and being different may attract someone to start asking questions, seeing that you “stand out” above this crowd. Again, the opposite may be happening. Maybe you want to be “in” with this crowd of people, maybe more liked, more approved by them, more “popular”, etc. God doesn’t care about such things. Whether you have 3,000 Facebook followers, or Twitter followers and 10,000 Likes, this does not affect what God thinks of you. He wants you to be the person He has made you to be; His follower and a true believer. You must first please Him and not the world at large.

God has called us to be different, to “stand out” from the crowd, even if it means to be criticized or ridiculed at. We must be “that city on the hilltop” [Matthew 5:14] and shine His light through us over our world. We must stand tall and press on. He must be the One who stands out through us and the way we live and are; our characters being formed as Jesus’ characters, the way we live and act and speak. Romans 12: 2 says it very clearly how we should live. It says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” You must not feel like you don’t “fit in” in this world at all, you must live by being the true follower of Jesus Christ, standing out above the rest and showing your true colours so that God is glorified. Be blessed!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Time Is Money

To all who live on this earth, money means everything. Yes, without it we can't have food, clothes, transport, a roof over our heads and much more. The saying goes that "time is money" and this applies to people who are busy. Time wasted for businesses is money. But money is not everything in life. Time is a gift from God.

If you waste time you waste money. Is it truly that simple? Yes, we have to work. The Bible states the following; "You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow." A man that only works all his life is called a fool! Many folks work from as early as 5am to 6am and only get home after 7pm to 8pm, at times even later. Their lives are dedicated to their work and most time is spent there.

Building bigger places and storing great wealth is foolishness. What is the real truth here? What can we learn from this word TIME? Let me explain even further. The truth is, not one of us can say or knows how much time we have left on this earth. And again, truth be said, we cannot purchase time. Time is not FOR SALE! It is a gift given to us from God. Then how do you use it? How do you spend your time, what schedule goes with it?

You have the choice how to use the time allocated to you on this earth. We have to work, we have to sweat for it. The Bible condemns laziness. God, family, friends, extra-mural activities and work takes up our time; maybe not all mentioned here is even slotted into your time schedules. Stop and think about your priorities. How much time do you have? No one knows! Only God does. Why not start today, with God's help, and start looking and listening. Maybe it's time to make some changes to your life. maybe you should re-task time and what you use it for, that God-given gift.

Look around you. Learn from the failures of others. Why lose your soul when you try to gain the world and any wealth you can lay your hands on? You may even lose your family because of this - many have, sometimes once, sometimes twice, sometimes always. It becomes a game in their lives and it becomes all about me and the I in my life. Is it really worth it? Is it worth it to waste that gift of time chasing what you'll never be able to keep forever?

Why not be still and listen to God's still little voice as He guides you into a life full of real meaning and true happiness. Let Him work out exactly how to use the time He has gifted you with. Our Lord Jesus Christ lived a full and meaningful life while He was amongst us humans. Yet, He still made time for His heavenly Father. He always "disappeared" and went to a quiet spot or place and spend hours before God the Father. Why not allow His Spirit to guide you and make changes in your life where TIME becomes a blessing and not just abused.

When the time comes and you are about to die, what is your greatest regret going to be? Go and think about this - food for thought. Meditate on this post I wrote here and you decide what to do next. Be blessed and please don't waste God's given gift. Amen!

Friday, 4 August 2017

My eBooks at Barnes & Noble and Other

Hi Folks,

My eBooks are available via Smashwords, Barnes & Noble [nook book only], Kobo, Scribd and a few other online stores/libraries, etc. They are well priced and great reads, especially the non fiction ones, various teachings/guides for your Christian walk.

Salvation Is The Life & Living In Victory selling @ $0,99 ...
The Good News selling @ $1,99 ...
The Hunter [the only one that is a fictional story/novel] selling @ $3,99

Available links I have for now... These link up to my profiles or search pages where all the eBooks are shown/visible to review or purchase. in Smashwords in various formats. B&N in nook book only.


Wednesday, 2 August 2017

False Teachings

During my later years when I started thinking about resigning my job and going it alone I did a lot of research to see if I was capable of going it alone; entrepreneurship was my next step, maybe. Today I run my own business in the security industry and much more. I provide products and services to secure premises, whether homes or business buildings or plots and farms perimeters, etc. I also provide services in the building renovations industry. How did I prepare myself? I started by researching these areas of interest.

I started reading books about business, start-ups, self-employment, etc. I then read about laws, taxes, and much more. Unfortunately, many books or resources I read or used were just money-making scams, written by people “bragging” about their expensive cars and big homes, and actually some of them had nothing. Yes, I nearly failed early on my new journey. I did fail a few years later though, but all due to a fraudulent partner; and I lost everything – homes, cars, etc. I didn’t stop there and curled up into a corner to wait for “death”. Know, I turned to God for help [I was a born again Christian when I lost everything]. I learned a great lesson from this. In the business world we get false “teachers” and we get real teacher. I met someone who became a great mentor to me and guided me back on to my feet, and now I run a small successful business, although the economy is affecting it at the moment, I’m still living and growing slowly.

Reading through Titus taught me something. Paul spoke about false teachers and the truth. In our Christian walk we too should be wary of false teachers, those who mislead you away from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many out there, believe you me. Titus 1:10-16 offers us guidance on how to distinguish between false teachers and the truth. Titus 1:11 states the following’ “And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.” Paul was led by God and was taught by God about the real Gospel of Jesus. But what must we do to avoid falsehood? We must recognize false teachings/teachers. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in “discerning” falsehood amongst Christians. Secondly, look at the character/s of these teachings/teachers. Are they insubordinates, empty talkers, deceivers, etc.? Once again, allow God’s Spirit to lead you here. Pray and ask for this type of discernment.

Next, you must stand firm in your faith and beliefs. Jesus Christ must be at the centre of it all. If not, then you are being misled. Look at the so-called Jehovah Witnesses [or known as the Watch Tower society]. They believe that they cannot have blood transfusions because “their” blood is holy. Total nonsense! Only Jesus’ blood was holy and He spilled it on the cross for our salvation, for victory over darkness. He alone is fully holy, and His blood is holy. Our blood is just what it is called, blood. Therefore rebuke false teachings/teachers and lead them to Christ and the real salvation. There are many such “churches/denominations” around the world with false teachings, especially New Age types. Look at the Church of Scientology. Once again twisted away from the truth of the real Gospel. Titus 1:13, once again what Paul stated, says the following – “What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.” There you have it! Jesus Christ must be right in the middle of those teachings else they are all false as are those teaching such things.

Lastly, you must resist such teachings or they may sway you away from the truth of the true Gospel teachings; all about Jesus Christ our Messiah, Saviour, Lord and God. Stand firm and find a true Gospel believing and teaching church and live for Christ alone at all times. He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. There is none other who can be above and more than Him. He is our true Saviour God. Amen.

Friday, 28 July 2017

All About Jesus

The day was lame and cold as I stood looking at the rain,
the day was making me gloomy and I was getting moody.
The day was not speaking to me and I was just plain dead,
the day was silent and I was just deaf.

Today I'm new and I live with true happiness and joy,
today I walk with a dance and seek out all rejoicing.
Today I live for the King and He lives for me,
today I know who He is and who I am in Him.

His name is Jesus and I'm a co-heir with Him, embracing
what has become the best journey of my life, truly amazing.
Where are you today? Are you seeking the King Jesus,
are you walking with Him who is your Saviour? Then start
today and enjoy the best future ever. Amen

Monday, 17 July 2017

A Prayer For You

A prayer for you my encouraging friends::

 May the wisdom of the Almighty God be your portion today...
May Jesus always be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path...
May the eyes of the Lord always be upon you even as they are on the sparrow...
May his hand reach down and touch you with his healing power so that your health will spring forth speedily...

May his arms be your protection, a fortress, a strong tower of refuge from every foe...
May his arms embrace you and may his love for you overtake you...
May his peace garrison your mind and may his joy strengthen you daily...
May his grace be always found sufficient for every need...
May he provide all your needs according to his riches in glory...
May his anointing destroy every yoke and may his wealth dwell in your house...
May his righteousness destroy the power of cancelled sin and may he always be the glory and the lifter of your head..

May his blessings make you rich and no sorrow be your portion...
May you know the warmth of his presence daily, the quiet still small voice that leads you beside still waters and in paths of righteousness...
May you know his salvation, his protection, his security and his wholeness always and forever...
In Jesus name this I pray, Amen.
Please share. Who knows. You may save a life that is hanging by a thread today.

Be blessed!

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Time And Time Again

We have all grown up in different households. Some had great parents who taught them and gave attention to their needs. Others, unfortunately, did not get that. Parents were drug addicts, alcoholics and so on. Their view of life differs from those who had it all. This becomes you as you grow older and start your adulthood in life. We start to question our existence, where we came from and where we are going. Some don’t even do this. It’s just a journey we become accustomed to, a life we need to make our own, whether good or bad – some don’t even know the difference here because of their upbringing.

We see ourselves, our own lives as the beginning and the end. Nothing else exists. We are all wrong here. God exists! And He was before time and will be around after time. Why do I say this? Because time is not a part of God. One day to Him could be a thousand for us. A year to Him could be a million to us. Colossians 1:17 says it perfectly; “He Himself existed before anything else did, and He holds all things together.” That’s right! God is the beginning and the end, He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the middle and the in-between. God is everything when it comes to our existence. Without Him we would not existed.

God is everywhere and knows everything. When you are doubting life, maybe looking at where you come from or where you are going, look towards God and ask Him. He keeps everything together for He is the Creator of everything and everyone; even those who do not believe in Him. Your situation may seem out of control. Remember this. He still holds it together. Give Him your concerns, your questions, your unbelief and start believing in Him always. Let Jesus become your Saviour and Lord, and believe always! He will hold things and work things out for you. He always does! He is before time and after time. Rejoice!

Monday, 3 July 2017

Promotion On My Books For July


I have a promotion on all my books [eBooks] for the month of July. Go to https://www.smashwords.com/ and search for "Nelson Canha" and you will discover all my books on promo. The books which are teachings are going for FREE and my novel at 50% discount this month.

My teachings are Salvation Is The Life, Living In Victory, and my latest book The Good News. At Smashwords, use the code SSW50 at the checkout to get them free, and The Hunter [my novel] is at $2.50 instead of $4.99. Also use the same code at checkout.

If needed, the following coupon codes can be used if asked for...

1] Salvation Is The Life - coupon code JZ48D
2] Living In Victory - coupon code LK36C
3] The Hunter - coupon code BQ43M
4] The Good News - coupon code AL33X

These coupons are only available through Smashwords. At Barnes & Noble books available as Nook books only. Books also available at Kobo, Scribd, and many more online "bookstores"... Enjoy these books as they are great and explain exactly what God wants from our lives.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Any Comments? An Inquiry...

Hi To One & All,

I'm just inquiring to find out how you all find the posts I have placed here for the past months. I never see any comments or interaction taking place therefore just need your inputs about this blog page. I'm targeting men as one can see by the posts I have written, men of God and those who have drifted away slightly.

Have any of these posts impacted you or someone who may have read them on your device used? I want to continue with more posts that are relevant to God's Word and what He is "teaching" us through the Bible, His ordained and blessed book we read daily. Therefore, please feel free to comment on any post as you see fit.

Interaction shows me there is an interest in this blog page as I do see many "readers" across the globe reading the posts or receiving notification of each message posted. Be blessed and allow God to take you on this wonderful and exciting journey ahead. Your brother in Christ, Nelson...

Monday, 26 June 2017

A New Book Published

Herewith my new eBook I published, now available at Smashwords.com

The book, The Good News deals with the assurance of your salvation, especially if you are a new born again Christian. It is also for those who, after many years, start to question their salvation. This book will guide you in understanding that you are saved and God's child. Enjoy!

PS - it received a 5 Star rating review. A great read and inspiring...


Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Seek God For Help

Men are a weird bunch, and I have mentioned this before. When something crosses our paths in life, whether work or personal, and a problem arises, we try and resolve it in our own ways and on our own terms. But after a while we still struggle to find the solution and hit a brick wall on our journey here. We try and try, and no solution seems to come to mind for the problem. We start researching on the internet, reading books related to the subject at hand, or we run around asking others. When we do get some answers, we doubt everything and still try to solve it on our own.

That “brick wall” is still there. That’s just our human nature that stops us in our tracks because we are stubborn. The problem is that our eyes are on ourselves. The “me” and “I” wants to lead the way. Still the solution to the problem has not been found. In 2 Chronicles 20: 12 this is stated – “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” This is a great truth and true wisdom. Have you sought God for help? Are your eyes on Him each moment of your daily lives? I don’t think so. We drift away at times.

There comes times and instances in life where we hit a dead-end and don’t know what to do. At these critical moments we should know that we can turn to God and seek His solution and His help, which we don’t do either because of the “me” and “I” in our lives. How awesome it is to know that we can seek Him for everything we want or need. Maybe it is time to fix your eyes on God. Maybe it is time for you to seek God in your life again. Maybe you have drifted away from Him and need to return to that relationship you had before. Seek God for help, whether for that problem or for yourself, to get yourself back on track. He is the best place to go to for any solution or answer to your life or problems. He is God! Be blessed.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Feed On His Faithfulness

As men, most of us have a mentor or someone we can turn to for guidance and support. This relationship reaches us level of trust and keeps growing. We are confident in what that person has to say, his/her methods of teaching us and taking us into a future we look forward to. This is mainly good for men in business. Mentorships is something wonderful. It makes us more confident and we are then tasked to follow these tips, helping hints and wisdom that our mentors speak into our lives.

We also become accountable for our own futures. What about God? Where does He fit into this picture where we can trust and be confident in what He has to “say” over our lives? What is it that makes us accountable for our actions and futures where He is to be a part of it all? Let’s read it in Psalm 37:3; “Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.” We place our trust and hope in those around us, especially where mentors are concerned, and it’s a good thing. But what about our trust, hope and confidence in God? Our hope and trust should be in Him.

God is the best Mentor for us. His wisdom and knowledge surpasses all understanding. By trusting and hoping in Him we are set for the future ahead, on this earth and after this life here. How faithful is your earthly mentor? As faithful as God? I doubt it. There is no one greater than the God we serve. As we live our lives, take this into consideration – let us feed on His faithfulness. Start to expect, to anticipate and let’s see His faithfulness at work in us. Therefore, start trusting and be confident in God and His faithfulness. Start feeding on it today and forever. Amen.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Set Your Minds On Greatness

We love to let our minds drift, especially when it comes to anything which relates to each of us individually. Some drift away and dream about that possible future promotion. Others dream about meeting their dream partner, their future wife. Others dream about going into space or design something special, a new invention which will place their names amongst the elite in this world. Many set their minds on becoming their own bosses, or inventing something exclusive. And so it goes on.

Unfortunately, most men set their minds on earthly pleasures, earthly wants or treasures. We don’t go beyond that kind of thinking. What about setting your minds on something not in this world, physically that is. Maybe setting our minds on something of greatness and beyond this world could be the best move ever. God has taught us a great truth, and this is found in Colossians 3:2. The verse goes like this – “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Wow! We men are seeking all that is dead and will not last! And that’s the real truth. God wants us to be different to those around us, especially us men who believe in Christ Jesus our Lord. Seeking what is above means to seek Godly things, things that grow us spiritually.

We at times allow negativity to come and lead us in the wrong direction. We let the things on this earth to fill our minds and they will never last. Everything on earth as well as the earth will come to an end. Only God and everything that is everlasting, of eternal nature where He is part of will last. We are told in the bible that we should store our treasures in heaven. Why? Because nothing corrodes or disappears there. All things earthly and worldly will pass on and end; even our earthly bodies will come to an end. Therefore believe in God and His greatness and set our minds and thoughts on this, not on worldly things. There God will prepare everything for us. Be blessed!

Friday, 2 June 2017

Time To Make Everything New

As men we, in general, don’t like to stay behind with the old. It could be the motorcar you are driving, the old tv in your lounge. It could be the job you have been stuck in for ages, maybe the marriage that is not working out. During our years in this world we want something new, some more often than others. I have purchased motorcars every two to three years at one stage of my life, always seeking a newer or better looking one. Now I accept what I have and go years before contemplating to purchase another. The same goes with our ‘boys toys’ as many men love. If John buys a new superbike, then we want one. If Joe buys a new Mercedes, then we want a better one.

What about our spiritual life? When does that need to be made newer? When do we want something better than we have right now? In Revelation 21:5 God speaks to us and speaks a great truth. It says the following; “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’” There you have it! The Lord our God is the one who can come and make things new again. Even we need to get restored at times, made new all over again. We may think it is beyond hope, but God can make it new – our marriages, our characters, our attitudes, our hearts and souls, etc.

God comes and turns things around so that we can start over again. Many a times we need a new fresh start. It may be time to make things new once again, and only He who is the true and living God can do that for us. We can’t do it on our own. It may start well but disaster usually strikes because our plans were not well thought about. God is the answer when it comes to renewing. Give Him the right of way to come and cause change to take place. He brings real change in all your situations. Is it time to make everything new? Then step aside and allow God to do what He has planned for you, then see all the new kick in. Amen.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Who Is The Shepherd?

Men love power and the sense of power which they use quite often in their daily lives. Being the boss is most men’s dream, and when they achieve success in the business world, that ‘power’ kicks in. They want to shepherd everyone around them, those who work below their management, their colleagues, friends, and even the family. They love being the ‘boss’ wherever they go. They love being on top of everything and everyone. That’s men for you. Some women walk the same route in life.

But even us who are ‘bosses’ have a person we should report to. This is our heavenly Shepherd, our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. He is the one Person who is Shepherd over everyone, whether believers or unbelievers. He is God! What does the bible tell us? Let’s read one verse that makes it all clear to us… “I myself will be the Shepherd of my sheep and cause them to lie down in peace, says the Lord” This is found in Ezekiel 34:15. And this is true! As we are shepherds and ‘bosses’ to those around us, mainly in the business world, we too have to report to the divine Shepherd who is our ‘Boss’. He does not force His power of rule upon us but does everything in His mighty love for us.
Therefore we need to seek Him as our Shepherd, and understand the gospels, in this way understanding His saving grace. In this way we will live in His peace and this will lead us in peace where we are shepherds towards others. When He is above us and our God we will find a heavenly peace that is far more than we can understand as worldly peace. Therefore I ask you today, who is your shepherd? My Shepherd is my saving and loving Lord and God. Be blessed and walk in His peace.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Just Keep Growing Stronger

Men love the feeling of power in their hands, in their work places, in their families, and in controlling lives and things. That's just who we are. Power is like a great tool. With it we can do all things, but without it we feel lost. Unfortunately, with power also comes danger!

David was at one stage weak and felt lost. Saul was always seeking him, to hurt him and even kill him. In 2 Samuel 3:1, we read the following; "David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker." God always has a plan better than our own. He wants those who follow Him to be strong, courageous and to stand firm against any attacks. He comes and helps us and changes the situations for us. All we need to do is believe and trust in Him.

Overcoming and victory is God's plan for our lives. David grew stronger and his enemy grew weaker. What does this tell us? It means with God on your side, you will go from strength to strength even when you are facing challenges. As you truly believe, strength will flow into your life and challenges will become weaker. Overcoming will be the final result.

Therefore seek the Lord our God in every situation of your life and allow Him to be your partner in STRENGTH. Allow His mighty hand to take over every problem and challenge and see what He does to your 'enemy' and that or those who challenge you with trials or tests. Our God is mighty and mighty to save. Amen...

Friday, 12 May 2017

Do You Believe In Different Realities?

Men love to compartmentalize things. It’s just a remarkable ability we have; to believe in different realities. This depends also on the day of the week for each day is different to the previous one and will be different to tomorrow. We are easy to accept God’s relevance and His presence on Sundays but when the week days arrive, we don’t keep Him in the picture most times. We tend to look at things differently, maybe making life’s daily routines different realities and not what God expects from us. He may even want to help us and lead us in a different way but our minds are set elsewhere. Definitely not with Him.

We tend to go through our weeks where God’s relevance is not accepted or needed. We go it on our own and make decisions as we see fit. Sometimes this leads to some stoppage and failure pops its head at us. What now? What if God was relevant each day? Would that make a difference? Yes it would! He would offer us “His wisdom and knowledge and we would see the brighter side of the day. Jeremiah 23:24 offers us an answer to our problem. It says, “Can a man hide himself in hiding places so I do not see him?” declares the Lord. “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the Lord. Wow! That hit me where it hurt. What about you?

How true. God is everywhere and we cannot hide from Him. He is there even when He is “pushed” aside during our daily lives, the days we exclude Him and make Him non-relevant to our needs and lives. The Monday to Saturday life is not hidden from Him. Remember, He created everything and He created you; never mind that He offered you salvation by accepting Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. How can we then just ignore God during the week but accept Him and His presence on Sundays when we attend the services? He should be relevant each and every day we live. As Christian men that is how we should live each day – make Him relevant in every way. Begin opening your mind to the fact that God is present right now in your daily life, your weekly life. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in any manner or way. Make Him relevant always! Be Blessed.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

A break at MOP Ministry

To all those followers of this blog. I have taken a break in the past weeks due to much work and overload in my life as well as the moving to our new home and settling down, which is not completely done, but at least now moving forward again.

MOP Ministry will be going full steam again with messages that inspire and uplift, and encourage men to seek everything about our Lord God, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Let the "games" begin and let's praise and worship our King of kings more than ever before.


You Are In The Playing Field

As men we must not forget something. In life we have a part to play always. As Christian men even so more than other men. We must bring everything before the Lord, and wait on Him for the guidance and leading. We must be the "crown" bearers in the home and office. We must be the examples for our colleagues, spouses, children and more. We must always be ready for the part we are supposed to play.

Joel 2:28 states the following, "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." Therefore, god has placed us all here for His purpose, and we all must play a part in the growth of His kingdom on earth.

Never forget to wait on the Lord. He will inspire you to fulfil the task to which He has called you. We must always be ready and attentive to His voice, whether through His Word, through others around us, even through His creation; the earth. Be ready to play your part that He is planning and has planned for you. That's where you will find your calling; and only He can lead you to point you to that calling. Amen...

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

God Wants To Do Something For You

In our lives in this modern world it is very rare that we find who want to do something for others. Maybe it's treating them to a breakfast, maybe it's paying for their car to be washed. It could be a gift, either financial or otherwise. Men usually don't all fit into this category of wanting to do something for others. I know, I was there and I learned from my lovely wife that doing something for others glorifies our loving God. 1 Samuel 22:3 [b - second part of verse] states, "... until I know what God is going to do for me." That's right! Until you know you must wait upon the Lord.

She has always had this habit of helping other ladies, or treating them, or going out of the way to support them. Now I'm the same. Here's an example... We were invited for lunch/dinner/barbeque [known as a braai in South Africa] at her home. She is single with two children, both teenagers. After having visited for a while I realised she didn't prepare food on her stove, nor used the oven. I enquired why she did not use this. She told me that nothing worked.

At our next visit I turned up there with multimeter, tools and whatever else. I did some tests, found the problems and restored her stove plates and oven to working condition. Now four months later and she says she still wants to kiss me and thank me for this blessing. And so it is with God. He too wants to do something for you. There is no end to what the Lord our God wants to do for you. We may go through seasons where we don't no what His plans for us are. It is during these times that we need to listen until He makes His plans clear to us.

When the time comes and He calls us or tells us what we are to do, we should listen and be obedient to His plans. He either speaks to us through His Spirit, through our minds or hearts, and then He guides us. He always wants to do something for us. It may seem impossible but all things are possible when He is in the centre of it all. Therefore wait upon the Lord and see what He wants to do for you. Amen...

Sunday, 9 April 2017

What Is All The Fuss About

Men are not actually an inquisitive type being, but at times we are triggered by curiosity when something is happening around us or in our city/town we live in, and we want to know more. It could some big band hitting our 'shores' and we may be intrigued to get tickets and go to the show. Maybe, like some, with families, the circus is visiting and we are curious to see what acts they do or perform.

In April we are, in South Africa that is, in holiday mode as schools close for a period before until after the Easter weekend. Many go away for a well deserved break while others chill at home. For many it's a time to enjoy with family, or relatives, or friends. It's time to braai [barbecue] and have some fun in the sun [if summer or spring season]. But what is April really about, although not the correct actual time in date and month maybe, it has a great meaning to us Christians, we who are believers and followers of Jesus Christ.

The fuss is about the celebrating of our Saviour God who became flesh amongst us for 32 years, then sacrificed Himself on the cross on Calvary, Skull Hill, and died for our sins. He offered us salvation through His sacrifice. He offered us an eternal life through His sacrifice. He offered us victory over darkness And sin through His sacrifice. He did this because He has and will always love us. He created us!

So what are you doing about all this fuss now? At our church, Real Life Church [Assemblies of God] in Krugersdorp we have what is called a "Good Friday experience". There isn't a service, but between 8am and 2pm we visit the church as a family, or individually, and walk through various "stations" created to celebrate Jesus Christ and what He did for us. There are Bible reading stations, prayer stations, and a place to watch movies like "Passion of the Christ" or similar. There is a station or two where we praise and thank Him for what He did for us.

There is a station, usually the last one, where we sit and participate in the braking of bread. There are prayer request stations and a "time before God" stations. It takes an hour or so to go through the whole process. Then come Sunday, we celebrate Jesus' resurrection once again. So what's all the fuss about? It is about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

You are a Christian brother correct? Then what are you doing over the Easter weekend and these holidays? I'm going to enjoy my time before Christ Jesus my God, and then enjoy my holiday/break where He will be part of it all... Enjoy!

Monday, 3 April 2017

It Is Easter! Let's Celebrate!

We're in that season where Easter is upon us and people start to shop for Easter bunnies, eggs, marshmallows and whatever else is found in the market place. Yes, we love to spoil our spouses, our family, our children - drenching them with chocolate delicacies. But is this what Easter is all about?

Easter for you and me should be firstly about our Saviour God, our Lord Jesus Christ, a reminder of what He did for us on the cross on Calvary. He died for our sins, total sin He placed upon Himself. Yes, chocolates and goodies are great to have, but don't forget the real reason we should be celebrating. It is about us celebrating and praising Jesus for what He did for us; we the sinners.

It is about the gift of salvation, about God's unfailing love for us, about His great and wonderful mercies for our lives. This He did so that we could once again be reconciled to Him until eternity. Are you ready for this great season we truly celebrate? Are you ready to worship and glorify our Kin of kings? As that well-known verse states, "For God so loved the world that He offered His only begotten Son..." Yes, God loves us and did just that for us. Therefore go and enjoy a time in His presence for the coming days until Easter weekend and praise Him with thanksgiving for what He did for you and me... Amen!

Sunday, 26 March 2017

It's Not About You

Men can be very selfish. We are always thinking about ourselves, who we are, where we are in the business world, what we have achieved, where we want to be one day. That’s typical of men, and a fewer ladies too. Since my messages are directed at men, let’s look at ourselves before we look at others, before we start pointing fingers. Remember this though. Each time you point at someone else, there are four fingers pointing back at you. It has always been about me, my, and I. Actually, it should not always be about us. Yes, there are those times when it is about us as individuals, but we should think about those around us as well.

I started studying about leadership and coaching, especially Christian-based coaching and leadership through an organization I was involved with. I purchased a book from the USA and attended the first classes where the international tutor was presenting here in South Africa. I’m still busy with it but at my own pace. Recently while reading the Bible, which I do every night [at least one to three chapters], I started reading the book of Philippians, and I came upon this verse, and it had me thinking once again. Philippians 2:3 is as follows – “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” This hit me between the eyes!

As I read it I saw my flaw, who I truly was and maybe how others saw me too. I didn’t want to be seen as such a person. I wanted to be seen as God saw me, or so I thought. I realized that others around me needed attention and needed to be encouraged, or needed something more than I needed. Today I try and lift up others up, praising them for who they are, coaching them when necessary, and being that leader in my community that can make a difference in others. Maybe you are there, but if not, why not try being that man that humbles himself and places others before his own desires and needs. This changed who I was and made me a better man. Be blessed.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Obey Always

Men can be difficult at times. We always try to be who we want to be, not always pleasing to others behind the scenes. Let me add to this… Men disobey orders, rules and commands which they should not. This is mostly employed men, who work for bosses or have supervisors who manage them, but business owners fit in here as well. When you are surrounded by others, including your seniors in the company, you “perform” as if showing off. But when you are alone, you drop the false pretence and mope about your work, maybe the conditions, maybe the salary you are earning which does not satisfy you, and so on…

As Christian men and believers we should obey at all times. We should perform greatly at all times, even when alone. Business owners, you too have someone whom you should obey and perform greatly at all times. God is watching us all. I used to be like this, especially when I was still employed years ago and, after becoming my own boss, I still did it. Then I realized God was watching me. Was I pleasing Him? Was I glorifying Him each moment of each day? No, I was not! Once again, the book of Colossians, again chapter 3 offered me something to meditate upon.

Colossians 3:22 says the following; “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favour, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.” This verse bowled me over. I was still a slave in this world. Yes, I was a “slave” to my God and He was watching my every move. I repented and asked God to change me and change my attitude. My new life started from that day onwards. I made sure that He was glorified in everything I did. Where are you right now? Does this look familiar to you as well? Then turn to God and repent. Pray and ask that He starts changing you from this day forward. Today I walk with music in my step and a smile on my face, always knowing that god is by my side. Enjoy!

Sunday, 12 March 2017

A Day Of Rest

As we are supposedly all Christian men [and women], born again believers, why do many of us take it for granted to work on Sundays? I know a few personally who do just that. Is it right or wrong? Let's see what the Bible says about this...

Reading Hebrews chapter 4 offers us understanding of how God feels about it, and I was guilty of that too. Now, my day of "rest" [Sunday/Sabbath] is about God and my family.,. In verse 1 it speaks about the promise if we enter God's rest. That promise still stands today! And the second part of verse 1 offers us a warning! We must be careful if we fall short of this promise. Wow! God is warning us that there are circumstances if we disobey Him.

Verse 3 says the following; "Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, 'So I declared on oath in my anger, They shall never enter my rest.' And yet his work has been finished since the creation of the world." Those who DO NOT enter His rest on the "Sabbath" are doomed. They shall be banished from His presence. I did not want that in my life but only to please Him who is my God and Saviour. I changed and now have one motto...

First God, then family, and lastly, my business and all other things in life. My life has turned dramatically and I'm being blessed and He takes care of all my needs and even some desires. Where do you stand right now? Are you in His rest or not? Then it's time for you to make that change and become what you have believed - that He is God and what you do right will please Him always. Amen.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Stop Being Harsh!

Is it just men or is it just our nature to be harsh at times? Men are very predictable when it comes to being rude. This happens mostly in our working world, but many a times it lands up with us at home too. Workers, colleagues or employees make us fume at times and this changes our characters for that instant. We tend to become rude, bossy and nasty. That’s men for you. Am I wrong in saying this? I don’t think so because I have had that issue in my life around various folks – before with my colleagues, then with my employees and, without truly realizing it, with my family, especially with my wife whom I love dearly. I prayed and prayed for God’s intervention and things started changing. Why? Because I allowed the Holy Spirit to convict me each time I became different in my actions.

Regarding our spouses, we as men should love them and cherish them. We should be the strong pillars they lean on, that’s what God wants from us, what He expects from us. Colossians 3:19 comes to mind, that chapter about rules for holy living. It states the following; “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.” This was Paul’s message to those he addressed this letter to, the men of Colosse. As he spoke to the men of the day I think it applies to us today as well. Yes, God’s Word is for all of us, past, present, and future. How we live out our lives determines what comes from inside of us, what lies deep in our hearts.

Pray and ask God to let His Spirit to come and lead you, to guide you, and to teach you about these small traits that live in us, that are part of our characters. These should not be part of who we are in Christ. I am still on that growing path of ridding myself of such traits, with the Holy Spirit’s help of course. Every so often I still pray for God’s help in certain areas of my life, and one place is the rude and harsh side of my character that I want to get rid of. Be blessed and enjoy the new journey ahead. Amen.